
Antimony Lane 1Antimony Lane 2Antimony Lane 3Antimony Lane 4Antimony LaneAntimony LaneCistern AveBronze Brothers BastionCistern AvenueRathleton Hills EstateRathleton Hills ResidenceRathleton Plaza 1Rathleton Plaza 2Rathleton Plaza 3Rathleton Plaza 4Old Heritage EstateRathleton PlazaRathleton PlazaRathleton PlazaRathleton PlazaRathleton ShopsVanward Flats AVanward Flats BVanward FlatsWallside Lane 2Wallside Lane 1Wallside ResidenceWallside LaneRathleton MagistrateRathleton Streets
About this image
 Floor: +1 (main floor), +2
  • Antimony Lane (*)
  • Cistern Avenue (*)
  • Rathleton Plaza (*)
  • Rathleton Shops (*)
  • Vanward Flats (*)
  • Wallside Lane (*)

Put your cursor over the map to see where the streets, houses, and NPCs are.


Rathleton Shops is in the north on the first floor of Upper Rathleton. It touches Rathleton Plaza to the south and connects to the stairs going up the Rathleton Magistrate Plaza.

Buildings and NPCs from east to west and north to south on the street:
