Warning Icon Red

If you are caught in a raid, and are not prepared, or you are too low of experience level to survive, you should head to the nearest Protection Zone (Temple, Ship, House etc.) or go up/down one floor.

Tibia is a very dangerous place, with many different creatures living in only marginal cooperation with each other. Sometimes creatures will execute a raid on a nearby city, dungeon or open area. While some raids are announced via messages broadcast to all players online at the moment, others happen with no warning at all. In most raids, monsters disappear after a few hours, but some others (such as Gaz'haragoth) will stay until next Server Save. Furthermore, the raid system is used both for "big raids" with several creatures/waves and for "small raids" which can be as simple as a single boss spawn.

Vandura Iminent Raid

A raid is about to start on Vandura.

If you have completed an area of the Cyclopedia Map through the Measuring Tibia Quest, you'll see a warning Iminent Raid Icon on that area that a raid will start within the next hour. Fifteen minutes before the raid begins, the warning will also be displayed on the subarea, in case part of the subarea is located on ground floor.

Raid Mechanics[]

Raids are not completely random, and there are some key aspects to them which can be very helpful. Since many raid-exclusive creatures and bosses can drop rare items, as well as their importance to both Bosstiary and Bestiary, understanding the raid system can be very rewarding.

Occurrence Interval[]

Spawn Frequency - Ferumbras

With the exception of raids related to specific Events, most raids happen on a fixed interval (e.g. every 15-30 days), and being able to properly predict a raid can be extremely helpful. These intervals are technically measured in seconds, however, players usually discuss them in day units. Raid intervals can be as short as 2 days (e.g. Midnight Panther) and as long as 175 days (e.g. Ferumbras).

Information about raid intervals can be analyzed by registering data from Tibia.com's Kill Statistics, and there's an article on TibiaWiki in which we discuss how this works in depth. Some fansites, such as GuildStats and TibiaBosses, use this data to determine whether or not a certain raid has a chance to happen.

Emergency shutdown of the servers (i.e. extra Server Saves) do not affect this interval, which is based on real-life date and time only, and not in number of Server Saves. If a raid has already begun and there is a shutdown, however, it will not restart once the server returns, which can cause even the 6 months raids to be "missed".


Another important mechanic related to raids is how long they last. As already mentioned, all raids have a maximum duration, after which the creatures that spawn with them will disappear. Shorter raids are known to only last for as long as a few minutes, a notable example being the Orc march in Zao, in which the waves are all short and only start after the previous one has ended, representing the movement of the horse throuh the plains. The raids of some world bosses such as Gaz'haragoth, The Abomination and Morshabaal, on the other hand, have a duration of approximately 24 hours, which means they'll never disappear before the next Server Save.

It is generally believed that a raid duration also has an impact on how late in the day it can happen. The shorter the raid lasts, the higher the chance that it happens in the final hours of the day (using the Server Save as a reference). This would be so in a way that allows all raids to last for their entire duration. For example, Feroxa is known not to spawn later than 12 hours after the Server Save, also because its raid likely lasts for 12 hours.

Spawning Mechanics[]

Cavebears Spawning cropped

Considering the limitations already presented above, a raid can happen at any time of the day, and most rumors about raids only happening in specific hours or minutes are false (unless for those related to specific events, of course). For example, there's no reliable evidence that Midnight Panthers only spawn at Tibian midnight, and it can be easily demonstrated that raids do not start only at round minutes or seconds.

Another important point is that raids cannot be blocked. There are plenty of situations that have shown this, including players actually camping a certain raid spot when it has a high chance of happening in order to try their luck with rare drops, for example from Ocyakao or Shlorg.

Exclusive Loot[]

Raids are often sought after due to exclusive loot that can be obtained from them. These can come from regular creatures and regular loot, or from bosses that use the Reward Container system.

For normal creatures, it has been proven that the special loot is added at the moment the raid starts, and only then. This means that using loot-enhancing system such as Loot Prey, Wealth Duplex or during Double Loot Events, there is no higher chance of dropping exclusive items such as pieces from the Amazon Set from the Femor Hills Orcs raid or the Old and Used Backpack from Ulderek's Rock single Orc raid.

For rare items obtained from bosses through the Participation System, the loot-enhancing systems above do not apply at all. In such cases, it might be that setting the boss in the Bosstiary Boss-Slot would increase the chance of looting the rare item, if and only if, it is an equipment. However, it is known that "unique drops" are not affected by slotting a boss. Even though there is no confirmation from CipSoft about specific items being a "unique drop" (with the exception of Ferumbras' Hat from Ascending Ferumbras), it is likely that other boss rares, such as the Triple Bolt Crossbow from The Welter also are unique, and thus not affected by extra loot rolls.

City Raids[]

Rookgaard Raids[]

Hunting Area Raids[]

Global Raids[]

Grynch Clan Goblin Invasion[]

The Grynch Clan Goblin invasions are special raids that happen between the Server Saves of December 20 and 28 during Christmas Season. They drop a nice amount of cheap loot, therefore not many people look forward to this kind of raid. It can happen on any major city.

Liberty Bay
Port Hope


  1. 00:00: Goblins of the infamous Grynch Clan are invading city to steal all presents, beware!
  2. 00:02: The Goblins sometimes have stolen presents with them! Confiscate them!
  3. 00:03: Return the stolen presents to Ruprecht on Vega at Santa's home for a reward.


  1. 00:00: Goblins of the infamous Grynch Clan are invading city to steal all presents, beware!
  2. 00:03: Confiscate the stolen presents and return them to Ruprecht on Vega at Santa's home for a reward.

Special items:

Undead Jester Invasion[]

The Undead Jester raids appear in any city of Tibia as part of the 'April Month of Pranks' event by CipSoft. They first started on April 1, 2008. They happen annually from the server save on April 1 until the server save on April 15. Since 2009, Undead Jester can drop some new items such as parts of the Jester Doll.

Liberty Bay
Port Hope


  1. 00:00: Oh no! City beware! All bad entertainers are returning from their graves to haunt their audience once again!

Special items:

Dryad Invasion[]

The Dryad Invasions appeared in June 2008 for the first time. Dryads are female tree-spirits. They only invade during June - the Month of Flowers.

Port Hope

They spawn in 5 waves during 1 hour, every 15 minutes since first warning.

In Edron:

  1. 00:00: Dryads have returned to protect the forest north of Edron.
    (Dryads raid the forest north of Edron.)

In Tiquanda:

  1. 00:00: Dryads have returned to protect the jungle of Tiquanda.
    (Dryads raid the deep jungle areas east of Port Hope.)

In Carlin:

  1. 00:00: Dryads have returned to protect the northern forests near Ab'Dendriel.
    (Dryads raid Fields of Glory, north-east of Carlin.)

In Cormaya:

  1. 00:00: Dryads have returned to protect their tree gardens underneath Cormaya.
    (Dryads raid the Dryad Gardens in Cormaya.)
Dryad310 hp/190 exp

Special items:

Go Forward Icon

See also:

