- Tssssh!!!
- Burp!
Quara Plunderers are opportunistic and cunning outcasts who thrive on chaos and exploitation. Having their vile temper better under control than most of their kind, they are able to engage in strategic planning and even negotiations. Often amassing small bands of fellow outcasts, these plunderers use their wicked intellect and innate cruelty to launch devastating raids against their targets. Within the depths, Quara Plunderers are feared for their ability to capitalize on the weaknesses of their adversaries, taking advantage of any opportunity to seize wealth and power. Their relentless ambition and brutal tactics make them a formidable foe in the tumultuous world beneath the waves. It's not unheard of for plunderers to turn on their employers in moments of weakness.
Damage Taken From Elements
Podzilla Bottom, Podzilla Underwater
A quara plunderer attacks in melee range.
- 2-25× Platinum Coins
- 1× Amber Souvenir
- 1× Blue Gem
- 1× Haunted Blade
- 1× Red Gem