
A private chat channel is a way to send messages to a specific group of players. Only players that are "invited" can join a private chat channel. Messages sent in a private chat channel are visible to all players that have the channel open, but cannot be seen by any other players.

Only players with a Premium Account can start a new Private Chat Channel.

Also notice that the Rule 2e do not apply to private chat channels, so you may freely speak in a non-English language.

Note: a Private Chat Channel is different from a Private Message Channel. A Private Message Channel is only between two players, while a Private Chat Channel can include any number of players.

Opening a Private Chat Channel[]

To open a private chat channel, you need to be Premium Account. Click on the "New Channel" icon New Channel Icon in your Tibia Client or press Ctrl+O, this will bring up a dialog. Select "Private Chat Channel" and click "Open." You will now have a ptrivate chat channel in your client.

Joining a Private Channel[]

If you have been invited to a private chat channel, you can join that channel by clicking on the "New Channel" icon New Channel Icon in your Tibia Client or pressing Ctrl+O. The private chat channel you have been invited to will be in the list by the name of the person who started the channel ("Player's channel"). Select the private chat channel and click "Open" to join the chat.

Inviting Players[]

Only the person who started the chat is able to invite players to join. When a player is invited to a private chat channel, they will receive a message. You can invite players in three different ways:

  1. Right-Click on their name in your Tibia Client. In the context menu, select "Invite to private chat";
  2. Right-Click on the private chat tab and select "Invite player", then type the name of the player you want to invite;
  3. Type "#i playername" in the private chat channel.

Excluding Players[]

Only the person who started the chat is able to exclude players from the private chat channel. Excluding a player will close the private chat channel window in their Tibia Client. You can exclude players in three different ways:

  1. Right-Click on their name in your Tibia Client. In the context menu, select "Exclude from private chat";
  2. Right-Click on the private chat tab and select "Exclude player", then type the name of the player you want to exclude;
  3. Type "#x playername" in the private chat channel.

Additional Info[]

  • When the player who started the private chat channel closes the channel window, it will be closed for all players that are in the channel.
  • If the player who started the private chat channel logs off without closing the private chat window, it will remain active for all other players until the last one of them logs off.
  • Private chat channels can only be started by players with a Premium Account.
