

This book has no notes.

Captain Blackteeth's log, first day of the 345th week of our voyage.

Anchoring some 2° northwest of the 15th latitude of Fafnar. Sea's a bit rough and the wind's choppy. Quite a bit of fog in the morning.

Well, old Jack Rumbone's map seems to be right, there is indeed land here. This island is quite uncharted on any other map I've seen of these seas. But judging by the wrecks I made out along the coast, there's good loot to be made, so I reckon I'm the one who has the last laugh, even if Jack grinned evilly when I won the map off him at the Washed-Up Mermaid.

Tomorrow, we will land and see what there might be worth pillaging. The boys are eager for some celebrating and looting, and so am I.
