Any damage taken has a 5% / 10% / 11% chance to be reflected to the aggressor as Physical Damage.
The damage dealt by this charm is displayed as Physical Damage, but it is neutral and will damage the creature regardless of its resistances. It will, however, be affected by the creature's armor. Furthermore, the damage value is the base damage calculated before the player's resistances, which means that the equipment and imbuements used by the character will not affect the damage taken by the creature.
Parry is often unlocked by Knights since this vocation will inevitably take a lot of damage. It's also very useful for higher level Paladins that hunt blocking the creatures around themselves. It's not really recommended for Druids and Sorcerers since these players should try to avoid taking as much damage as possible and will benefit a lot more from the offensive elemental damage charms. Regardless of the vocation, however, parry is more effective on creatures that deal high damage but have relatively low health, which makes the elemental charms less effective on them.