You see nightstalker
  • The sunlight is so depressing.
  • Come with me, my child.
  • I've been in the shadow under your bed last night.
  • You never know what hides in the night.
  • I remember your face - and I know where you sleep.
  • Only the sweetest and cruelest dreams for you, my love.


Nightstalkers have haunted the dreams and stories of children since the dawn of mankind and probably even before that. Like some other demonic creatures, they seem to feed, at least partially, on the fear of their victims. Divination magic revealed that they are no native denizens of our realm, however, the question where Nightstalkers actually come from is still unanswered. They are cunning and intelligent creatures that are even able to talk our language. They prefer lairs in dark and abandoned places like ruins and caves. Sometimes, Nightstalkers form small colonies, but most of them are notorious loners.
Sages speculate that the Nightstalkers' wish for loneliness results from their life cycle. At certain stages in their life, they leave the company of their kin to become lonely prowlers that secretly stalk the settlements of civilised creatures to haunt particularly their children. During these stages, Nightstalkers seem to dematerialise, almost like ghosts. They feed on the fears of those around them and adopt features derived from these subconscious fears. Luckily, Nightstalkers also gain a certain vulnerability in this state. After some while, Nightstalkers gradually retransform to their original state. Once they have reached it, they seem to hibernate for a while, which surely explains why they tend to leave civilised places in advance of the transformation. Thereafter, they live for a longer period in their natural state in which they might be encountered at remote places. During this phase, they do not actively prey on creatures but are more than ready to rip anyone in pieces who gets close to their lairs.

The Nightstalker is about as strong as a Wyvern.


Physical Damage Melee (0-90 and Poisoned starting up to 4 hp/turn)
Life Drain Holy Life Drain (60-170)
Invisibility Invisible
⁠, ⁠,
Paralyze Paralyze (sleep effect)
Healing Self-Healing (70-130)
Shapeshifting Creature Illusion (Werewolf, Vampire Lord, Grim Reaper or Ferumbras [rare])

Damage Taken From Elements

Physical Bestiary Physical Icon Big
Death Cursed Icon Big
Holy Dazzled Icon Big
Ice Freezing Icon Big
Fire Burning Icon Big
Energy Electrified Icon Big
Earth Poisoned Icon Big


Never flees. Always fights in close range.

Nightstalker attacks in melee range.


All vocations: Remember to bring a garlic necklace when hunting these, as it blocks a considerable amount of damage from their strongest attack and it is also inexpensive. If you plan to hunt for long bring about one necklace per each hour you plan hunting (they last longer than one would think). Don't let him get closer or he will use his strong life drain attack on you.
Knights should use full attack and kill them as fast as possible. Killing them before they get the chance to use their life drain attack can save you any means of healing at all, as their melee will often be weak. The many chances of getting rare items and high gold drop mean this monster can be hunted without a huge waste at lvl 60+.


(Loot Statistics)
