Player: hi
Nemal: Hello. How are you? Maybe you can help me: Do my shoes have the same colour?
Player: yes
Nemal: That's good. Thank you. Oh, but what brings you to me?
Player: me / job
Nemal: I have no job. I'm a wanderer.
Player: wanderer / blind
Nemal: Yes, I seem to be blind. But I am not sure - maybe the dungeons are too dark!
Player: book
Nemal: I can't read. I've never learned it.
Player: door
Nemal: Closed doors need keys. What a pity keys are not lying around like rubbish!
Player: dungeons / treasure
Nemal: You can find some treasures here - some are bigger, some are smaller, some are of true value, some are of materialistic value.
Player: god
Nemal: I don't believe in gods, but a lot of people do. I never saw a god, why should I trust in someone I never met?
Player: gharonk
Nemal: My father knew this language.
Player: help
Nemal: Hmm.. help? How can I help you?
Player: king
Nemal: King...king...yes, there is one. I still can remember the time when we had an other king. What was his name again?
Player: library
Nemal: I can't read or write. What use would I have of a library?
Player: name
Nemal: My name is Nemal.
Player: offer
Nemal: I don't sell things. If you really need somthing, better walk straight to one of the towns or ask another adventurer.
Player: secret
Nemal: Secrets should remain secret. No need of making them public.
Player: time
Nemal: I had a watch. It was nice, but I can't see the hands anymore.
Player: weapon
Nemal: I always have weapons with me. You never know what's behind the next corner.
Player: sword
Nemal: I have a sword. It's very sharp. But I don't give it away, you never know.
Player: Excalibug
Nemal: I heard the name, but I don't trust rumours.
Player: Carlin
Nemal: Aaaahh, Carlin, yes. I know this town. Strange graveyard there, isn't it?
Player: Desert
Nemal: Desert? Where is one?
Player: Thais
Nemal: Yes, I used to live there a while ago. Nice town.
Player: fight
Nemal: Better know how to fight!
Player: guild
Nemal: Hmmm.. I wouldn't ever join a guild, but i know of the existance of some.
Player: way
Nemal: There are many ways. I don't know all of them.
Player: bye
Nemal: Farewell!