- Ssstinnnge!
- Ssssssh!
- *slouch*
This creature seems to be a weakened version of Poisonous Carnisylvan.
Damage Taken From Elements
Keeps 4 sqm distance from its target.
A memory of a carnisylvan attacks from a distance. A memory of a carnisylvan never retreats.
A level 60+ mage (even unpromoted) can easily hunt these creatures for 250k+ raw exp/h. Wear Terra Set and bring lots of Great Fireballs and Fire Bombs. Free account players should take Fireballs as well. Summon 2 Demon Skeletons, which are immune to earth damage and heal them from time to time. Since the Carnisylvans will run away from the skeletons, you can maneuver them to pull a bunch of Carnisylvans, each doing no damage unless trapped. Finish them with GFB + Great Fire Wave. At level 60 you should take care not to be attacked by more than one mob at a time and heal often. Another strategy is to burn the ground with runes and run (in circles) away from your summon which is followed by the Carnisylvans.