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// Edit page tool selector
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/* Loot percentage data */
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//this variable is a bit different than the one in the loot parser
//page names can be used here, for example "Orwin (Creature)"
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  'Deathling Scout': '11.83',
  'Deathling Spellsinger': '11.83',
  'Falcon Knight': '11.83',
  'Falcon Paladin': '11.83',
  'True Dawnfire Asura': '11.83',
  'True Frost Flower Asura': '11.83',
  'True Midnight Asura': '11.83',
  'Deepworm': '11.52',
  'Diremaw': '11.52',
  'Putrid Mummy': '11.50',
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  'Werebear': '11.50',
  'Wereboar': '11.50',
  'Enfeebled Silencer': '11.41',
  'High Voltage Elemental': '11.41',
  'Instable Sparkion': '11.41',
  'Massive Energy Elemental': '11.41',
  'Sparkion': '11.41',
  'Weakened Frazzlemaw': '11.41',
  'Cyclops': '11.02',
  'Ghoul': '11.02',
  'Orc': '11.02',
  'Orc Shaman': '11.02',
  'Orc Spearman': '11.02',
  'Orc Warrior': '11.02',
  'Skeleton': '11.02',
  'Troll': '11.02',
  'Ancient Scarab': '10.8',
  'Choking Fear': '10.8',
  'Corym Charlatan': '10.8',
  'Corym Skirmisher': '10.8',
  'Corym Vanguard': '10.8',
  'Elder Bonelord': '10.8',
  'Kongra': '10.8',
  'Lizard Sentinel': '10.8',
  'Massive Water Elemental': '10.8',
  'Orc Berserker': '10.8',
  'Retching Horror': '10.8',
  'Waspoid': '10.8',
  'Water Elemental': '10.8',
  'Werewolf': '10.8',
  'Wild Warrior': '10.8',
  'Devourer': '10.7',
  'Glooth Anemone': '10.7',
  'Glooth Golem': '10.7',
  'Metal Gargoyle': '10.7',
  'Rustheap Golem': '10.7',
  'Terofar': '10.5',
  'Zavarash': '10.5',
  'Chakoya Toolshaper': '10.37',
  'Chakoya Tribewarden': '10.37',
  'Chakoya Windcaller': '10.37',
  'Demon': '10.37',
  'Hellhound': '10.37',
  'Juggernaut': '10.3',
  'Demon Skeleton': '10.1',
  'Lich': '10.1',
  'Nightfiend': '10.1',
  'Vampire': '10.1',
  'Betrayed Wraith': '9.86',
  'Blightwalker': '9.86',
  'Crystal Spider': '9.86',
  'Deathbine': '9.86',
  'Gargoyle': '9.86',
  'Hand of Cursed Fate': '9.86',
  'Hide': '9.86',
  'Ice Golem': '9.86',
  'Lost Soul': '9.86',
  'Mammoth': '9.86',
  'Phantasm': '9.86',
  'Quara Constrictor Scout': '9.86',
  'Quara Hydromancer Scout': '9.86',
  'Quara Mantassin Scout': '9.86',
  'Quara Pincher Scout': '9.86',
  'Quara Predator Scout': '9.86',
  'Stone Golem': '9.86',
  'Terramite': '9.86',
  'The Bloodtusk': '9.86',
  'Thornback Tortoise': '9.86',
  'Tortoise': '9.86',
  'Swamp Troll': '9.8',
  'Bug': '9.63',
  'Poison Spider': '9.63',
  'Rat': '9.63',
  'Spider': '9.63',
  'Young Troll': '9.63',
  'Massive Fire Elemental': '9.6',
  'Behemoth': '9.5',
  'Dark Torturer': '9.5',
  'Defiler': '9.5',
  'Draken Spellweaver': '9.5',
  'Eternal Guardian': '9.5',
  'Ethershreck': '9.5',
  'Ghastly Dragon': '9.5',
  'Giant Spider': '9.5',
  'Gnarlhound': '9.5',
  'Gorgo': '9.5',
  'Hydra': '9.5',
  'Kerberos': '9.5',
  'Killer Caiman': '9.5',
  'Lizard Zaogun': '9.5',
  'Mutated Tiger': '9.5',
  'Quara Constrictor': '9.5',
  'Quara Hydromancer': '9.5',
  'Quara Mantassin': '9.5',
  'Quara Pincher': '9.5',
  'Sea Serpent': '9.5',
  'Stonecracker': '9.5',
  'Undead Dragon': '9.5',
  'Wailing Widow': '9.5',
  'Wyvern': '9.5',
  'Esmeralda': '9.2',
  'Leviathan': '9.2',
  'Shardhead': '9.2',
  'The Many': '9.2',
  'The Noxious Spawn': '9.2',
  'The Old Widow': '9.2',
  'The Snapper': '9.2',
  'Thul': '9.2',
  'Blazing Fire Elemental': '9.1',
  'Blistering Fire Elemental': '9.1',
  'Carrion Worm': '9.1',
  'Draken Abomination': '9.1',
  'Dwarf Guard': '9.1',
  'Earth Elemental': '9.1',
  'Fire Overlord': '9.1',
  'Hellfire Fighter': '9.1',
  'Jagged Earth Elemental': '9.1',
  'Muddy Earth Elemental': '9.1',
  'Tarantula': '9.1',
  'Witch': '9.1',
  'Worker Golem': '9.1',
  'Cave Devourer': '11.50',
  'Chasm Spawn': '11.50',
  'Tunnel Tyrant': '11.50',
  'Dawnfire Asura': '10.8',
  'Ekatrix': '10.8',
  'Elder Forest Fury': '10.8',
  'Feroxa': '10.8',
  'Feroxa (Gloom Wolf)': '10.8',
  'Feroxa (Killable Werewolf)': '10.8',
  'Feroxa (Werewolf)': '10.8',
  'Ghost Wolf': '10.8',
  'Gloom Wolf': '10.8',
  'Mahatheb': '10.8',
  'Midnight Asura': '10.8',
  'Omnivora': '10.8',
  'Oodok Witchmaster': '10.8',
  'Owin (Creature)': '10.8',
  'Redeemed Soul': '10.8',
  'Renegade Knight': '10.8',
  'Tainted Soul': '10.8',
  'The Flaming Orchid': '10.8',
  'The Manhunter': '10.8',
  'The Mean Masher': '10.8',
  'Tzumrah the Dazzler': '10.8',
  'Vicious Squire': '10.8',
  'Vile Grandmaster': '10.8',
  'Abyssal Calamary': '10.7',
  'Control Tower': '10.7',
  'Deep Terror': '10.7',
  'Depowered Minotaur': '10.7',
  'Empowered Glooth Horror': '10.7',
  'Energy Pulse': '10.7',
  'Feeble Glooth Horror': '10.7',
  'Glooth Bandit': '10.7',
  'Glooth Battery': '10.7',
  'Glooth Bomb': '10.7',
  'Glooth Brigand': '10.7',
  'Glooth Horror': '10.7',
  'Glooth Masher': '10.7',
  'Glooth Powered Minotaur': '10.7',
  'Glooth Slasher': '10.7',
  'Glooth Trasher': '10.7',
  'Glooth-Generator': '10.7',
  'Minotaur Commander': '10.7',
  'Minotaur Invader': '10.7',
  'Minotaur Totem': '10.7',
  'Minotaur Wallbreaker': '10.7',
  'Moohtant Wallbreaker': '10.7',
  'Noble Lion': '10.7',
  'Professor Maxxen': '10.7',
  'Renegade Quara Constrictor': '10.7',
  'Renegade Quara Hydromancer': '10.7',
  'Renegade Quara Mantassin': '10.7',
  'Renegade Quara Pincher': '10.7',
  'Renegade Quara Predator': '10.7',
  'Roaring Lion': '10.7',
  'Seacrest Serpent': '10.7',
  'Strong Glooth Horror': '10.7',
  'Tentacle of the Deep Terror': '10.7',
  'Tremor Worm': '10.7',
  'Unstable Tunnel': '10.7',
  'Weakened Glooth Horror': '10.7',
  'Brittle Skeleton': '10.55',
  'Crazed Dwarf': '10.55',
  'Dawn Scorpion': '10.55',
  'Dawnfly': '10.55',
  'Juvenile Cyclops': '10.55',
  'Lesser Fire Devil': '10.55',
  'Meadow Strider': '10.55',
  'Minotaur Bruiser': '10.55',
  'Minotaur Occultist': '10.55',
  'Minotaur Poacher': '10.55',
  'Mountain Troll': '10.55',
  'Muglex Clan Assassin': '10.55',
  'Muglex Clan Footman': '10.55',
  'Muglex Clan Scavenger': '10.55',
  'Sacred Snake': '10.55',
  'Salamander Trainer': '10.55',
  'Scar Tribe Shaman': '10.55',
  'Scar Tribe Warrior': '10.55',
  'Troll-Trained Salamander': '10.55',
  'Woodling': '10.55',
  'Blood Beast': '10.5',
  'Bullwark': '10.5',
  'Death Priest Shargon': '10.5',
  'Execowtioner': '10.5',
  'Glooth Blob': '10.5',
  'Glooth Fairy': '10.5',
  'Lisa': '10.5',
  'Minotaur Amazon': '10.5',
  'Minotaur Hunter': '10.5',
  'Mooh\'Tah Warrior': '10.5',
  'Mooh\'tah Warrior': '10.5',
  'Moohtant': '10.5',
  'Rot Elemental': '10.5',
  'The Ravager': '10.5',
  'Walker': '10.5',
  'Worm Priestess': '10.5',
  'Demon Outcast': '10.3',
  'Feversleep': '10.3',
  'Frazzlemaw': '10.3',
  'Gaz\'Haragoth': '10.3',
  'Gaz\'haragoth': '10.3',
  'Guzzlemaw': '10.3',
  'Horadron': '10.3',
  'Mawhawk': '10.3',
  'Omrafir': '10.3',
  'Prince Drazzak': '10.3',
  'Shiversleep': '10.3',
  'Shock Head': '10.3',
  'Sight of Surrender': '10.3',
  'Silencer': '10.3',
  'Terrorsleep': '10.3',
  'Enraged Soul': '10.2',
  'Furyosa': '10.2',
  'Hirintror': '10.2',
  'Ocyakao': '10.2',
  'Shlorg': '10.2',
  'The Pale Count': '10.2',
  'The Welter': '10.2',
  'Tyrn': '10.2',
  'Weakened Shlorg': '10.2',
  'White Pale': '10.2',
  'Zushuka': '10.2',
  'Blood Hand': '10.1',
  'Blood Priest': '10.1',
  'Elder Wyrm': '10.1',
  'Forest Fury': '10.1',
  'Gravedigger': '10.1',
  'Leaf Golem': '10.1',
  'Rorc': '10.1',
  'Shadow Pupil': '10.1',
  'Tarnished Spirit': '10.1',
  'Vampire Viscount': '10.1',
  'Vicious Manbat': '10.1',
  'White Shade': '10.1',
  'Wilting Leaf Golem': '10.1',
  'Adventurer': '9.8',
  'Angry Adventurer': '9.8',
  'Drillworm': '9.8',
  'Emerald Damselfly': '9.8',
  'Little Corym Charlatan': '9.8',
  'Lost Basher': '9.8',
  'Lost Husher': '9.8',
  'Lost Thrower': '9.8',
  'Marsh Stalker': '9.8',
  'Party Skeleton': '9.8',
  'Pigeon': '9.8',
  'Salamander': '9.8',
  'Swampling': '9.8',
  'Water Buffalo': '9.8',
  'Abyssador': '9.6',
  'Armadile': '9.6',
  'Bibby Bloodbath': '9.6',
  'Cliff Strider': '9.6',
  'Crystalcrusher': '9.6',
  'Damaged Crystal Golem': '9.6',
  'Deathstrike': '9.6',
  'Dragonling': '9.6',
  'Enraged Crystal Golem': '9.6',
  'Enslaved Dwarf': '9.6',
  'Gnomevil': '9.6',
  'Hideous Fungus': '9.6',
  'Humongous Fungus': '9.6',
  'Humorless Fungus': '9.6',
  'Ironblight': '9.6',
  'Lava Golem': '9.6',
  'Lost Berserker': '9.6',
  'Magma Crawler': '9.6',
  'Modified Gnarlhound': '9.6',
  'Mushroom Sniffer': '9.6',
  'Orewalker': '9.6',
  'Stone Devourer': '9.6',
  'Versperoth': '9.6',
  'Vesperoth': '9.6',
  'Vulcongra': '9.6',
  'Weeper': '9.6',
  'Wiggler': '9.6',
  'Bretzecutioner': '9.5',
  'Bruise Payne': '9.5',
  'Chopper': '9.5',
  'Fazzrah': '9.5',
  'Fleshslicer': '9.5',
  'Hemming': '9.5',
  'Maw': '9.5',
  'Mindmasher': '9.5',
  'Paiz the Pauperizer': '9.5',
  'Rotspit': '9.5',
  'Shadowstalker': '9.5',
  'Tormentor': '9.5',
  'Tromphonyte': '9.5',
  'Zanakeph': '9.5',
  'Calamary': '9.4',
  'Crawler': '9.4',
  'Deepling Guard': '9.4',
  'Deepling Spellsinger': '9.4',
  'Deepling Warrior': '9.4',
  'Deepling Worker': '9.4',
  'Fish (Creature)': '9.4',
  'Floor Blob': '9.4',
  'Hive Pore': '9.4',
  'Insectoid Worker': '9.4',
  'Jaul': '9.4',
  'Jellyfish': '9.4',
  'Kollos': '9.4',
  'Lady Bug': '9.4',
  'Ladybug': '9.4',
  'Lesser Swarmer': '9.4',
  'Manta Ray': '9.4',
  'Northern Pike (Creature)': '9.4',
  'Obujos': '9.4',
  'Shark': '9.4',
  'Slippery Northern Pike': '9.4',
  'Spidris': '9.4',
  'Spidris Elite': '9.4',
  'Spitter': '9.4',
  'Swarmer': '9.4',
  'Swarmer Hatchling': '9.4',
  'Tanjis': '9.4',
  'Flameborn': '9.2',
  'Fleshcrawler': '9.2',
  'Ribstride': '9.2',
  'Sulphur Scuttler': '9.2',
  'The Bloodweb': '9.2',
  'Askarak Demon': '9.1',
  'Askarak Lord': '9.1',
  'Askarak Prince': '9.1',
  'Bog Frog': '9.1',
  'Clay Guardian': '9.1',
  'Crystal Wolf': '9.1',
  'Death Priest': '9.1',
  'Deepling Scout': '9.1',
  'Desperate White Deer': '9.1',
  'Diamond Servant': '9.1',
  'Donkey': '9.1',
  'Dromedary': '9.1',
  'Elder Mummy': '9.1',
  'Elf Overseer': '9.1',
  'Energized Raging Mage': '9.1',
  'Enraged White Deer': '9.1',
  'Feverish Citizen': '9.1',
  'Filth Toad': '9.1',
  'Firestarter': '9.1',
  'Ghoulish Hyaena': '9.1',
  'Golden Servant': '9.1',
  'Grave Guard': '9.1',
  'Groam': '9.1',
  'Honour Guard': '9.1',
  'Horestis': '9.1',
  'Horse': '9.1',
  'Insectoid Scout': '9.1',
  'Iron Servant': '9.1',
  'Kraknaknork': '9.1',
  'Kraknaknork\'s Demon': '9.1',
  'Mad Mage': '9.1',
  'Raging Mage': '9.1',
  'Sacred Spider': '9.1',
  'Sandstone Scorpion': '9.1',
  'Shaburak Demon': '9.1',
  'Shaburak Lord': '9.1',
  'Shaburak Prince': '9.1',
  'Slug': '9.1',
  'Spider Queen': '9.1',
  'Starving Wolf': '9.1',
  'Thornfire Wolf': '9.1',
  'Tomb Servant': '9.1',
  'Weakened Demon': '9.1',
  'White Deer': '9.1',
  'Yielothax': '9.1'
} },
        droppedby_perc_data = {}, loot_perc_data = {},
        loot_perc_datao = '',
        loot_perc_datap = '',
        loot_perc_dataoa = true,
        droppedby_inaccurate = [],
        droppedby_minimum = 500,
        loot_minimum = 500,
        loot_perc_sort = function (sid) {
            $('#' + sid).each(function () {
                var t = $(this).html().replace(/<img[^>]*id="(?:loot|droppedby)_perc_load"[^>]*>/, ''),
                    sp = t.match(/(<span[\s\S]*>[^\d]*?<\/span>)/i),
                    prefix = '', postfix = '',
                sp = (sp === null ? '' : sp[1]);
                t = $.trim(t.replace(sp, ''));
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                    t = t.substr(0, t.length - 1);
                if (t.indexOf("<li>") !== -1) {
                    delim = "\n";
                    concatstr = "\n";
                    prefix = "<ul>";
                    postfix = "</ul>";
                    t = t.replace(prefix, '').replace(postfix, '');
                } else if (t.indexOf(",") !== -1) {
                    delim = ",";
                    concatstr = ", ";
                t = t.split(delim);
                t.sort(function (a, b) {
                    b = (b.match(/\(([\d\.]+)%\)/) || [0, 0])[1];
                    a = (a.match(/\(([\d\.]+)%\)/) || [0, 0])[1];
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                    t[i] = $.trim(v);
                $(this).html(prefix + t.join(concatstr) + sp + postfix);
        loot_perc_get_data = function (text, cname) {
            var get_it = function (version) {
                version = version.replace(/\\/g, '').replace(/\./g, '\\.');
                var items, x, r = new RegExp('version[\\s]?=[\\s]?' + version + '[^}\\d]*?kills[\\s]?=[\\s]?(\\d*)([\\s\\S]*?)}' + '}'),
                    matches = text.match(r);
                if (matches !== null && matches.length === 3 && parseInt(matches[1], 10) > 0) {
                    loot_perc_data.kills = parseInt(matches[1], 10);
                    items = matches[2].split('|');
                    for (x = 0; x < items.length; x++) {
                        if (items[x].match(/times:/)) {
                            loot_perc_data[$.trim(items[x].split(',')[0])] = (Math.round((parseInt(items[x].split('times:')[1].split(',')[0], 10) / parseInt(matches[1], 10)) * 10000) / 100) + '%';
            if (text !== false) {
                cname = cname.replace(/_/g, ' ');
                if (lootparser_versions_ex.hasOwnProperty(current_tibia_version) && lootparser_versions_ex[current_tibia_version].hasOwnProperty(cname)) {
                } else {
        loot_perc_put_data = function () {
            var t, off, ex;
            if (typeof loot_perc_data.kills === 'undefined') {
                off = $('#loot_perc_text').offset();
                $('<div>There is no statistics <br />information to show percentages</div>').attr('id', 'loot_perc_not_enough')
                        'display': 'none',
                        'z-index': '999',
                        'top': String(off.top - 20) + 'px',
                        'left': String(off.left - 35) + 'px',
                        'position': 'absolute',
                        'background-color': '#0038d8',
                        'border-radius': '4px',
                        'box-shadow': '0px 0px 5px',
                        'color': '#ffffff',
                        'margin': '0px',
                        'padding': '10px 20px'
                }).fadeIn('slow', function () {
                    setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 4000);
            } else {
                if (loot_perc_data.kills < loot_minimum) {
                    if ($('#loot_perc_inaccurate').size() === 0) {
                        $('#loot_perc_text').after($('<span class="information-icon"></span>').attr('id', 'loot_perc_inaccurate').attr('title', '%s are not accurate because the low amount of kills (' + loot_perc_data.kills + ' kills).').click(function () {
                            alert('%s are not accurate because the low amount of kills (' + loot_perc_data.kills + ' kills).');
                $('#loot_perc_text').attr('title', 'Based on ' + loot_perc_data.kills + ' kills');
                $('#loot_perc_loot a').each(function () {
                    ex = {
                        'gp': 'Gold Coin',
                            'skull (item)': 'Skull',
                            'black skull (item)': 'Black Skull',
                            'rusty armor (common)': 'Rusty Armor',
                            'rusty armor (semi-rare)': 'Rusty Armor',
                            'rusty armor (rare)': 'Rusty Armor',
                            'rusty legs (common)': 'Rusty Legs',
                            'rusty legs (semi-rare)': 'Rusty Legs',
                            'rusty legs (rare)': 'Rusty Legs'
                    t = decodeURI($(this).attr('href').replace(/.*\/(.*?)$.*/, '$1').replace(/_/g, ' '));
                    if (ex.hasOwnProperty(t.toLowerCase())) {
                        t = ex[t.toLowerCase()];
                    if (loot_perc_data.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
                        $(this).after(' (' + loot_perc_data[t] + ')');
                loot_perc_datap = $('#loot_perc_loot').html();
        loot_perc_loaded = function (text, cname) {
            loot_perc_get_data(text, cname);
            loot_perc_dataoa = false;
        loot_perc_load = function () {
            if (loot_perc_dataoa && loot_perc_datap === '') {
                $('#loot_perc_loot').html($('#loot_perc_loot').html().replace(/[\s]?\((?:(?:semi-|very |extremely )?rare)|(?:[\s]?\((?:un)?common)?\)[\s]?/g, ''))
                    .prepend('<img id="loot_perc_load" src="https://images.wikia.nocookie.net/tibia/en/images/8/87/Ajax_Load_Image.gif" alt="Loading %s" />');
                    url: '/index.php?title=Loot_Statistics:' + wgTitle + '&action=raw',
                    dataType: 'text',
                    timeout: 15000,
                    success: function (text) {
                        loot_perc_loaded(text, wgTitle);
                    error: function () {
            } else if (loot_perc_dataoa) {
                loot_perc_dataoa = false;
            } else {
                loot_perc_dataoa = true;
        droppedby_perc_put_data = function () {
            var t;
            $('#droppedby_perc_creat a').each(function () {
                var d, t = $(this).text();
                if (droppedby_perc_data.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
                    d = droppedby_perc_data[t];
                    if (d[1] < droppedby_minimum) {
                    $(this).after($('<span> (' + d[0] + ')</span>').attr('title', 'Based on ' + d[1] + ' kills').css('cursor', 'pointer'));
            $('#droppedby_perc_creat span').css('color', '#0148C2').click(function () {
                window.open('/wiki/Loot_Statistics:' + $(this).prev().text());
            if (droppedby_inaccurate.length > 0) {
                t = 'Some %s are not accurate because the low amount of kills:\n' + droppedby_inaccurate.join('\n');
                $('#droppedby_perc_text').after($('<span class="information-icon"></span>').attr('title', t).click(function () {
        droppedby_perc_get_data = function (text, cname, item) {
            if (typeof item === 'undefined') {
                item = wgTitle;
            var ex = {
                'skull (item)': 'Skull',
                    'black skull (item)': 'Black Skull',
                    'rusty armor (common)': 'Rusty Armor',
                    'rusty armor (semi-rare)': 'Rusty Armor',
                    'rusty armor (rare)': 'Rusty Armor',
                    'rusty legs (common)': 'Rusty Legs',
                    'rusty legs (semi-rare)': 'Rusty Legs',
                    'rusty legs (rare)': 'Rusty Legs'
            get_it = function (version) {
                version = version.replace(/\\/g, '').replace(/\./g, '\\.');
                var r = new RegExp('version[\\s]?=[\\s]?' + version + '[^}\\d]*?kills[\\s]?=[\\s]?(\\d*)[^}]*?name[\\s]?=[\\s]?(.*)[|\\r\\n][^}]*?[|][\\s]?(' + (item.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&")) + ')[\\s]?,[^}\\r\\n]*?times:(\\d*)'),
                    matches = text.match(r);
                if (matches !== null && matches.length === 5 && matches[2] && parseInt(matches[1], 10) > 0) {
                    droppedby_perc_data[matches[2]] = [(Math.round((parseInt(matches[4], 10) / parseInt(matches[1], 10)) * 10000) / 100) + '%', parseInt(matches[1], 10)];
            if (text !== false) {
                if (ex.hasOwnProperty(item.toLowerCase())) {
                    item = ex[item.toLowerCase()];
                cname = cname.replace(/_/g, ' ');
                if (lootparser_versions_ex.hasOwnProperty(current_tibia_version) && lootparser_versions_ex[current_tibia_version].hasOwnProperty(cname)) {
                } else {
        droppedby_perc_loading = 0,
        droppedby_perc_loaded = function (text, cname) {
            droppedby_perc_get_data(text, cname);
            if (droppedby_perc_loading < 1) {
        droppedby_perc_load = function () {
            var t = [];
            $('#droppedby_perc_creat a').each(function () {
            droppedby_perc_loading = t.length;
            $('#droppedby_perc_creat').prepend('<img id="droppedby_perc_load" src="https://images.wikia.nocookie.net/tibia/en/images/8/87/Ajax_Load_Image.gif" alt="Loading %s" />');
            $.each(t, function (i, v) {
                t[i] = $.trim(v);
                    url: '/index.php?title=Loot_Statistics:' + t[i] + '&action=raw',
                    dataType: 'text',
                    timeout: 15000,
                    success: function (text) {
                        droppedby_perc_loaded(text, t[i]);
                    error: function () {
        .append($('<a id="droppedby_perc_text" style="font-size:80%" href="#">(Load %)</a>').click(function () {
        return false;
        .next().attr('id', 'droppedby_perc_creat');
    loot_perc_datao = $('#loot_perc_tr>td:eq(0),#creature-loot>h3:eq(0)')
        .append($('<a id="loot_perc_text" style="font-size:75%" href="#""> (Toggle % view)</a>').click(function () {
        return false;
        .next().attr('id', 'loot_perc_loot').html();
/* End of Loot percentage data */

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 * preview at [[User:Sixorish/Abilities/Tanjis]]
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        var obj = {}, len = worlds.length;
        while (len--) {
            obj[worlds[len]] = len;
        return obj;
    game.getHouseUrl = function (w, id) {
        if (!isNaN(w)) {
            // input is an index, we want a name
            if (w < 0 || w > game.worlds.length) {
                throw new Error("No game world at index " + w);
            w = game.worlds[w];
        return 'https://secure.tibia.com/community/?subtopic=houses&page=view&houseid=' + id + '&world=' + w;
    window.game = game;
(function () {
    /* Settings */
    if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') === 'TibiaWiki:Settings') {
        addOnloadHook(function () {
            var html = '', i, len, worlds;
            // Cookie: TW_gameworld
            // We want an alphabetical list, not chronological,
            // copy the array and sort it
            worlds = game.worlds.slice(0);
            html += 'Your game server: <select id="set-gameworld">';
            html += '<option value="-1">Set a game server</option>';
            for (i = 0, len = game.worlds.length; i < len; i += 1) {
                html += '<option value="' + game.worldIds[worlds[i]] + '">' + worlds[i] + '</option>';
            html += '</select><br />';
            // Cookie: TW_showcontent
            html += 'Hidden content?';
            html += '<select id="set-showcontent">';
            html += '<option value="-1">(no change)</option>';
            html += '<option value="0">Hide</option>';
            html += '<option value="1">Show</option>';
            html += '</select>';
            // Change settings
            $('#set-gameworld').change(function (e) {
                if (this.value === "-1") {
                setCookie("TW_gameworld", this.value);
            $("#set-showcontent").change(function (e) {
                if (this.value === "-1") {
                setCookie("TW_showcontent", this.value);
(function () {
    /* Run commands (that require cookies/JS) */
    var commands, cmd;
    commands = {
        'get-house-url': function (e) {
            var $span, href;
            href = game.getHouseUrl(getCookie("TW_gameworld") || "0", e.getAttribute('data-houseid') || "0");
            $span = $('<span>View the <a class="external text" href="' + href + '">Tibia.com house page</a>. (<a href="/wiki/Project:Settings">change settings</a>)</span>)');
        'create-tooltip': (function () {
            // Tooltip container
            var $tt;
            function showTooltip($e) {
                var o = $e.data(), params, i, len, p, offset;
                params = o && o.params ? o.params.split(",") : [];
                offset = $e.offset();
                for (i = 0, len = params.length; i < len; i += 1) {
                    p = params[i];
                    if (o[p] !== undefined && o.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
                        $tt.append('<div id="' + p + '">' + o[p] + '</div>');
                    top: Math.floor(offset.top) + 'px',
                    left: Math.floor(offset.left) + 'px'
            function hideTooltip() {
            return function setupTooltip(e) {
                var $e = $(e);
                if ($tt === undefined) {
                    $tt = $('<div id="tw_tt"></div>');
                $e.mouseover(function () {
        'showhide-content': function setupContentHider(e) {
            var $e = $(e), $ch = $e.children(), userSetting = !!parseInt((getCookie("TW_showcontent") || "0"), 10);
            function toggleVisibility() {
                if ($e.data("showhide-value") === "hidden") {
                    $e.addClass("showhide-visible").removeClass("showhide-hidden").data("showhide-value", "visible");
                } else {
                    $e.addClass("showhide-hidden").removeClass("showhide-visible").data("showhide-value", "hidden");
            $ch.each(function () {
                var $this = $(this);
                if ($this.data("showhide-element") === "header") {
                    return false;
            // Confirmed: JS enabled, remove showhide init class
            // User has opted to show the hidden content
            if (userSetting) {
                $e.addClass("showhide-visible").removeClass("showhide-hidden").data("showhide-value", "visible");
    cmd = $('.tw-cmd');
    if (cmd.length) {
        cmd.each(function () {
            var cmd = this.getAttribute('data-command');
            if (cmd && typeof commands[cmd] === 'function') {

$(function () {
    /* Add a class to document.body if textShadow isn't supported */
    var e = document.createElement("div"), compat = {};
    if (e.style.textShadow !== "") {

/* Load /wiki/Creature_Ranks.css when the document is ready */
$(function () {
    mw.loader.load("http://tibia.wikia.com/index.php?title=TibiaWiki:Styles/Creature_Ranks.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css", 'text/css')

/* Sort creature resistance bars by their value (data-value) */
$(function () {
  var arr = $("#creature-resistance ul").children('li');
  Array.prototype.sort.call(arr, function (a, b) {
    return b.getAttribute("data-value") - a.getAttribute("data-value");
  $("#creature-resistance ul").append(arr);

/* twbox - section headers behave as anchor links */
$("#twbox h1, #twbox h2, #twbox h3, #twbox h4, #twbox h5, #twbox h6").each(function () {
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    $this.attr("data-target", $this.find(".mw-headline").attr('id') || "");
    $this = null;
}).click(function () {
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(function () {
    /* Vandalwarn.js checks various signs of vandalism and warns the user */
    if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') === '' && mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'view' && !(getCookie("TW_hidevandalwarning") || false)) {
            type: 'script',
            article: 'MediaWiki:Custom Scripts/VandalWarn.js'