
You see a mandrake.
It weighs 1.80 oz.
This rare root is often used for shamanic medicines.


It used to be a very difficult herb to obtain since it was only lootable from Tiquandas Revenge, its price was around 400k then. It became much cheaper because of the new way to meet Tiquandas Revenge and the chance to loot it from Deathbine. Nowadays, this item's value dropped even more, since it is a very rare drop of regular spawning creatures. Needed for an addon of Shaman Outfits Quest. You will have a chance to kill Tiquandas Revenge if you are a Trophy Hunter of Paw and Fur Society.

Trade Details

Buy From

No NPC sells this item.

Sell To

TalilaFae Village5,000 Gold
ValindaraFae Village5,000 Gold