You see Malunga
NPC Bubble D
  • <mumble>


Liberty Bay, 2 floors above Frederik.


She was sent here by the Edron academy for scientific researches. She is also responsible for the magical education of the sorcerers citizens. She will not discuss Ferumbras now and there. If you have any questions about him, she will advise you to ask the academy in Edron, considering that this is a rather delicate issue, you should have a good reason to ask though. Thinks Thais is not the city it used to be, too many people, too noisy and too dirty.Her comments about Venore: "Those haggling and scheming merchants sometimes give me more shivers than a demon. At least you know what to expect from a demon."

Trade Details


Bursa ObscuraBursa Obscura55 Tentacle Pieces
SpellVoc.Req. LevelPrice
Animate DeadAnimate DeadSorcerers271,200 Gold
Apprentice's StrikeApprentice's StrikeSorcerers80 Gold
BuzzBuzzSorcerers10 Gold
Cancel Magic ShieldCancel Magic ShieldSorcerers14450 Gold
Creature IllusionCreature IllusionSorcerers231,000 Gold
Cure PoisonCure PoisonSorcerers10150 Gold
CurseCurseSorcerers756,000 Gold
Death StrikeDeath StrikeSorcerers16800 Gold
Destroy FieldDestroy FieldSorcerers17700 Gold
DisintegrateDisintegrateSorcerers21900 Gold
ElectrifyElectrifySorcerers342,500 Gold
Energy BeamEnergy BeamSorcerers231,000 Gold
Energy BombEnergy BombSorcerers372,300 Gold
Energy FieldEnergy FieldSorcerers18700 Gold
Energy StrikeEnergy StrikeSorcerers12800 Gold
Energy WallEnergy WallSorcerers412,500 Gold
Energy WaveEnergy WaveSorcerers382,500 Gold
ExplosionExplosionSorcerers311,800 Gold
Expose WeaknessExpose WeaknessSorcerers275400,000 Gold
Find FiendFind FiendSorcerers251,000 Gold
Find PersonFind PersonSorcerers880 Gold
Fire BombFire BombSorcerers271,500 Gold
Fire FieldFire FieldSorcerers15500 Gold
Fire WallFire WallSorcerers332,000 Gold
Fire WaveFire WaveSorcerers18850 Gold
FireballFireballSorcerers271,600 Gold
Flame StrikeFlame StrikeSorcerers14800 Gold
Great Energy BeamGreat Energy BeamSorcerers291,800 Gold
Great Fire WaveGreat Fire WaveSorcerers3825,000 Gold
Great FireballGreat FireballSorcerers301,200 Gold
Great LightGreat LightSorcerers13500 Gold
HasteHasteSorcerers14600 Gold
Heavy Magic MissileHeavy Magic MissileSorcerers251,500 Gold
Ice StrikeIce StrikeSorcerers15800 Gold
IgniteIgniteSorcerers261,500 Gold
Intense HealingIntense HealingSorcerers20350 Gold
InvisibleInvisibleSorcerers352,000 Gold
LevitateLevitateSorcerers12500 Gold
LightLightSorcerers80 Gold
Light HealingLight HealingSorcerers80 Gold
Light Magic MissileLight Magic MissileSorcerers15500 Gold
LightningLightningSorcerers555,000 Gold
Magic PatchMagic PatchSorcerers10 Gold
Magic RopeMagic RopeSorcerers9200 Gold
Magic ShieldMagic ShieldSorcerers14450 Gold
Magic WallMagic WallSorcerers322,100 Gold
Poison FieldPoison FieldSorcerers14300 Gold
Poison WallPoison WallSorcerers291,600 Gold
RestorationRestorationSorcerers300500,000 Gold
Sap StrengthSap StrengthSorcerers175200,000 Gold
ScorchScorchSorcerers10 Gold
SoulfireSoulfireSorcerers271,800 Gold
StalagmiteStalagmiteSorcerers241,400 Gold
Strong Energy StrikeStrong Energy StrikeSorcerers807,500 Gold
Strong Flame StrikeStrong Flame StrikeSorcerers706,000 Gold
Strong HasteStrong HasteSorcerers201,300 Gold
Sudden DeathSudden DeathSorcerers453,000 Gold
Summon CreatureSummon CreatureSorcerers252,000 Gold
Summon Sorcerer FamiliarSummon Sorcerer FamiliarSorcerers20050,000 Gold
Terra StrikeTerra StrikeSorcerers13800 Gold
ThunderstormThunderstormSorcerers281,100 Gold
Ultimate HealingUltimate HealingSorcerers301,000 Gold
Ultimate LightUltimate LightSorcerers261,600 Gold


To change these transcripts, edit the transcripts page for Malunga.

Player: hi
Malunga: Greetings. I have only little time to spare, so the conversation will be short. I teach sorcerer spells and buy a few magical ingredients.
Player: spare
Malunga: I was sent here by the Edron academy for scientific researches. I am also responsible for the magical education of the citizens.
Player: academy
Malunga: The academy of Edron as a royal institution has several agendas here. Not all of them are to be discussed with outsiders.
Player: researches
Malunga: These isles hold more secrets than those that meet the eye. I am convinced that once a great civilisation prospered here. Some sort of disaster wiped out almost completely any trace of it.
Player: education
Malunga: I teach aspiring sorcerers several spells.
Player: Edron
Malunga: Edron is a place of learning, magic and secrets. But others are dealing with that already in other places. It is my obligation to handle those issues here.
Player: secrets
Malunga: Magic is not available everywhere at the same strength and intensity. There are areas that are dry like a desert, magically spoken, others are rich of magic. At some places magic flows as strong as if there were springs of magic ...
Malunga: At those places the savants build magical centres of great importance. My researches have shown that the chaotic currents of magic must have been more structured once and much stronger than today ...
Malunga: With the right knowledge the civilisation of the past could have worked literally marvellous with those energies ...
Malunga: Even today some use the now chaotic currents of magic to further their evil ends ... but ... that's nothing I am supposed to talk about.
Player: civilisation
Malunga: The little we know about the extinct civilisation hints about a magically advanced race of humanoids, possibly of elven heritage, that once inhabited those isles until the disaster struck ...
Malunga: They were probably quite adept in manipulating the magical currents that are extremely strong on these isles.
Player: disaster
Malunga: The disaster took place at least some centuries ago. Our researches convinced us that the isles here belonged to a single landmass in the past. That should give you an idea of the extent of this catastrophe.
Player: cult
Malunga: It would not surprise me much if some superstitious fools mess around with the chaotic magical currents of this isle. Only the gods may know what harm they could do to themselves and others.
Player: quaras
Malunga: The quara are something that is worth some research. Sadly I lack the time and resources for further investigations.
Player: voodoo
Malunga: The superstition of the natives pushes this kind of hedge magic. It is intolerable that they are fooling around with powers they don't understand.
Player: ferumbras
Malunga: I will not discuss this issue now and here. If you have any questions about him, the academy in Edron is the place to ask ...
Malunga: Considering that this is a rather delicate issue, you should have a good reason to ask though.
Player: thais
Malunga: Well, Thais is not the city it used to be. Too many people, too noisy, too dirty.
Player: venore
Malunga: Those haggling and scheming merchants sometimes give me more shivers than a demon. At least you know what to expect from a demon.
Player: king
Malunga: The king's support of the academy is dwindling. I hope results in my researches will change this significantly.
Player: triangle of terror
Malunga: There seems to be some demonic cabal called Triangle of Terror. We don't know anything about its members except that there are three of them.
Player: raymond striker
Malunga: I heard he is one of the more notorious pirates.
Player: pirates
Malunga: Pirates are a constant pest. As long as their existence does not interfere with my researches, I don't care much about them.
Player: rum
Malunga: It is a rather uncultivated beverage for the lower classes.
Player: Morgaroth
Malunga: The name Morgaroth is mentioned in ancient books quite a few times. He seems to be some higher demon lord who likes to seduce mortals with promises of power to become his worldly minions.
Player: sugar
Malunga: As far as I understand sugar is quite important for this isle. It grows here in abundance but I had no chance yet to do some research about the causes of its immense growth.
Player: Wyrmslicer
Malunga: I don't care much about the military. Given those pirates and quara, they are a necessary evil.
Player: Theodore
Malunga: A typical Venorean. Always around where the money is and constantly looking for a chance to make profit.

