
Magical damage is similar to Physical Damage Physical Damage, except that it cannot be blocked by the target's Shielding, and it is not mitigated by the target's armor.

Magical damage is caused by spells, runes, wands and rods, weapons imbued with elemental damage or with permanent magic damage, such as a Fire Sword.

The types of magical damage are Earth Damage Earth Damage, Fire Damage Fire Damage, Energy Damage Energy Damage, Ice Damage Ice Damage, Holy Damage Holy Damage and Death Damage Death Damage.

Drown Damage Drown Damage, Life Drain Life Drain and Mana Drain Mana Drain, Agony Agony Damage may be considered magic damage since they are not affected by the target's shielding or armor, but it is currently impossible for players to cause this kind of damage directly.

Due to the nature of Death Damage, most creatures are not strong or immune to its effects. Ice Damage follows closely behind as the most common type of damage to use against creatures. If neither ice nor death are effective against the creature, Fire Damage, Energy Damage or Earth Damage will be your main options. For Paladins, Holy Damage is a good option against most creatures as well since not many are strong against it.

The only rune that does not cause magical damage is the Explosion rune, and the only instant spell is Physical Strike.
