
Magic Shopkeepers can sell you all types of magical items, like Blank Runes, Wands and Rods, Spellbooks, Potions, and so on.

Name Job Buy/Sell Location
Agostina Agostina Assistant
Magic Shopkeeper
Tibia Drome
The Ankrahmun Tibiadrome; access via Mystic Flame south of depot.
Alaistar Alaistar Magic Shopkeeper Potion Store, in the north-west of Upper Rathleton
Alberto Alberto Assistant
Magic Shopkeeper
Tibia Drome
The Kazordoon Tibiadrome; access via Mystic Flame by north gate in The Market, here.
Alexander Alexander Magic Shopkeeper Edron, Ivory Towers (four floors above ground level in the west tower).
Asima Asima Magic Shopkeeper
In the Darashia castle.
Chuckles Chuckles Magic Shopkeeper Inner City in Yalahar second floor in the tower north of the depot.
Emilio Emilio Assistant
Magic Shopkeeper
Tibia Drome
The Edron Tibiadrome; access via Mystic Flame by north gate in Castle Flats.
Fabiana Fabiana Assistant
Magic Shopkeeper
Tibia Drome
The Rathleton Tibiadrome; access via Mystic Flame by temple in Rathleton Shops.
Faloriel Faloriel Magic Shopkeeper Issavi's marketplace, south of the depot.
Fenech Fenech Magic Shopkeeper In Ankrahmun, north of the Depot, up two levels.
Frans Frans Magic Shopkeeper Venore magic shop, east of the depot and temple
Frederik Frederik Assistant
Magic Shopkeeper
North-eastern Liberty Bay, north of the depot.
Ghorza Ghorza Shaman
Magic Shopkeeper
Gnomegica Gnomegica Magic Shopkeeper Gnomegate, south-east area.
Hamish Hamish Magic Shopkeeper Dawnport, Adventurer's Outpost.
Hyacinth Hyacinth Magic Shopkeeper Rookgaard, atop the mountain to the northeast of the city
Khanna Khanna Magic Shopkeeper Issavi's marketplace, south of the depot.
Lorenzo Lorenzo Assistant
Magic Shopkeeper
Tibia Drome
The Thais Tibiadrome; access via Mystic Flame by depot on Main Street.
Mehkesh Mehkesh Magic Shopkeeper In Ankrahmun, north of the Depot, up two levels.
Mordecai Mordecai Magic Shopkeeper Upper Rathleton
Nelly Nelly Postman
Magic Shopkeeper
Eastern Svargrond, between depot and boat.
Nipuna Nipuna Magic Shopkeeper Silvertides marketplace.
Onfroi Onfroi Magic Shopkeeper Bounac, floor +2, east side, during day.
Three floors up (floor +5) during night.
Rabaz Rabaz Magic Shopkeeper
Farmine, north-west of the steamship
Rachel Rachel Magic Shopkeeper Carlin Magic Shop, on Magician's Alley and Harbour Lane
Rock in a Hard Place Rock in a Hard Place Guard
Weapon Shopkeeper
Armor Shopkeeper
Magic Shopkeeper
Central Gray Beach, on a mountain
Romir Romir Sorcerer
Sorcerer Guild Leader
Magic Shopkeeper
North of Svargrond, north-west of the Magic Carpet in a hut.
Shiriel Shiriel Magic Shopkeeper First floor above ground north and west of Depot in Treetop
Sigurd Sigurd Magic Shopkeeper Kazordoon, three floors above depot.
Sundara Sundara Magic Shopkeeper Moonfall's marketplace
Tandros Tandros Magic Shopkeeper Central part of northern Port Hope, second floor above Port Hope Depot.
Topsy Topsy Magic Shopkeeper Thais north-east shop on Mill Avenue.
Xodet Xodet Magic Shopkeeper Main Street at Thais magic shop.