- Maeh
- Groar!
- Fchhhh
- Meow!
- Woof!
This creature can only be seen when they are summoned by using the April Fools Day Spellwand (there is a 12 hours cooldown per character). If you are in a Protection Zone, a Mad Sheep may be destroyed by using a shovel, rope, light shovel, elvenhair rope, whacking driller of fate, squeezing gear of girlpower or sneaky stabber of eliteness [1].
These creatures, even while not dealing any damage, can be used to train shielding skills, but be aware of that other players may kill your Mad Sheep. A level 15-19 character with a zero-attack weapon may train on Mad Sheep indefinitely [2]. This is because they will deal exactly 3 damage every turn: one will be reduced by sheep's armor, one by mitigation and the final one will bleed the Mad Sheep.
Damage Taken From Elements
Can be summoned anywhere outside of protection zones.
A mad sheep attacks in melee range.
Just attack them.