
Flamecaller Zazrak

Statistics made after Update 8.6 (June 30, 2010).
Flamecaller Zazrak, 15 kills.
Average loot value: 1,047.07 gold.

Item Times Total amount Percentage Kills to get 1 Average
Dragon Priest's Wandtip 1 Dragon Priest's Wandtip 15 15 100% 1 1
Gold Coin 2-51 Gold Coin 12 287 80% 2 19.13
Great Mana Potion 1 Great Mana Potion 3 3 20% 5 0.2
Bunch of Ripe Rice 1 Bunch of Ripe Rice 2 2 13.33% 8 0.13
Life Ring 1 Life Ring 1 1 6.67% 15 0.07
Lizard Scale 1 Lizard Scale 1 1 6.67% 15 0.07
Zaoan Robe 1 Zaoan Robe 1 1 6.67% 15 0.07

See also: Loot, Loot Statistics.
