Has a high armor value.
Appeared during Tibia's 15th and 20th Anniversary celebrations, in a raid at a random time once a day.
The following message will appear:
A strange ghost has appeared somewhere in the deepling area. This calls for an experienced ghost hunter!
Then, 20 minutes later he will spawns:
The terrifying ghost Lagatos has appeared in the deepling area - and Lionet is out to hunt it!
Damage Taken From Elements
Try to separate Lionet from the other NPC's, as Sinclair and Spectulus cannot be killed.
During Tibia's 15th Anniversary, the raid messages were:
A strange ghost has appeared somewhere in the deepling area. This calls for an experienced team of ghost hunters!
The terrifying ghost Lagatos has appeared in the deepling area - and Lionet, Sinclar and Spectulus are out to hunt it!