
Liberty Bay has six separate library areas and some individual books:

In addition, both Meriana and Nargor have two separate library areas, one book can be found on Ramoa, and Kharos also contains some books.

Liberty Bay[]

These bookcases are EMPTY:
The second shelf above the potion's shop.

The Temple[]

The library is located one floor up in the temple of Liberty Bay, northwest of the depot.
The library is located one floor up in the temple of Liberty Bay, northwest of the depot.

First Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Blades of Darkness (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Grey)Book (Black)Book (Green)A legendary sword dwells at the bottom of the oceans.
The Secret Guardians (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Blue)Book (Brown)There is legend of four guardians, who can open the door of sanctum.
The Klabautermen (Book)Book (Atlas)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Grey)Describes small imps that inhabit some ships.

Note: this bookcase contains an empty Book (Orange) as well.

Second Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Shattered Isles (Book)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Fat Green)Book (Grey)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Black)Book (Atlas)Describing the shattered islands.
The Legend of the Swimming Isle (Book)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Black)Book (Red)?
The Ghost Ship (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Black)?

Third Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Astral Shapers Punishment (Book)Book (Brown Thin)The gods punish the Astral Shapers for their blasphemy.
The Fire Walkers (Book)Book (Orange)Book (Black)Book (Brown Square)?
May Banor Bless Our Souls (Book)Book (Black)Appears to be a prayer to the gods.
Seasickness (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown)?

Fourth Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Rum - the Essence of Life (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Black)?

Fifth Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Diary of Shawn Risjaw (Book)Book (Brown Thin)
The Awakening of the Gods I (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Orange)Describes the self-creation of the Tibia Gods and explains their nature.
The First Creatures I (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Brown Thin)Recounts the creation of the first few creatures and their magical abilities.
The Birth of the Elements I (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Black)After the fiasco at the great creation, Uman and Fardos try to save Tibiasula, but the elements were affected differently than they expected, and the real creation of Tibia occurred.

The Fortress[]

The library is located to the east of the Liberty Bay, on the second floor of the building.

The library is located to the east of the Liberty Bay, on the second floor of the building.

First Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Quara, Curse of the Seas (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)Book (Fat Green)Book (Brown Thin)Description of the quara
Captain's Log (Book)Book (Orange)Book (Brown)?
Nautical Studies (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Green)Book (Blue)Book (Black)Book (Grey)?
Flags of the World (Book)Book (Red)Book (Orange)Book (Grey)Book (Black)?

Second Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Great Sea Serpents (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Blue)Book (Atlas)Description of Sea Serpents
The Blades of Darkness (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Grey)Book (Black)Book (Green)A legendary sword dwells at the bottom of the oceans.

Third Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Raiders of the Lost Barge (Book)Book (Grey)Book (Brown)A spoof of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Logs and Leaks (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)Book (Brown Square)?

Fourth Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Legend of the Swimming Isle (Book)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Black)Book (Red)?


NameBook TypeShort Description
Offline Training (Book)Large BookHow to train when offline.

Freedom Street[]

The library is located to the south west of the Liberty bay depot, north of the boat.

The library is located to the south west of the Liberty bay depot, north of the boat.

First Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Golden Whale (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)Book (Brown)Book (Brown Square)?
Rum - the Essence of Life (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Black)?

Second Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Shattered Isles (Book)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Fat Green)Book (Grey)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Black)Book (Atlas)Describing the shattered islands.
Raiders of the Lost Barge (Book)Book (Grey)Book (Brown)A spoof of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Captain's Log (Book)Book (Orange)Book (Brown)?

Third Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Nautical Studies (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Green)Book (Blue)Book (Black)Book (Grey)?
Logs and Leaks (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)Book (Brown Square)?
A Pirate's Memoir (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown)?
The Parrot and Me (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown Thin)?

Fourth Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Great Sea Serpents (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Blue)Book (Atlas)Description of Sea Serpents
The Flying Venorean (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)?

Note: this bookcase contains an empty Book (Black) as well.

Fifth Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Wolves of the Sea (Book)Book (Red)Book (Orange)?
The Lighthouse in the Middle of Nowhere (Book)Book (Red)Book (Blue)A spooky lighthouse poses quite the danger to sailors.

Note: this bookcase contains an empty Book (Black) as well.

Potion Store[]

The library is located north of the Liberty bay depot, on the second floor.

The library is located north of the Liberty bay depot, on the second floor.

First Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Witches' Grotto (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Brown Thin)?
Mermaids (Book)Book (Orange)Book (Black)?
The Quara, Curse of the Seas (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)Book (Fat Green)Book (Brown Thin)Description of the quara
Nautical Studies (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Green)Book (Blue)Book (Black)Book (Grey)?
Monsters of the Sea (Book)Book (Green)Book (Black)?
The Shattered Isles (Book)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Fat Green)Book (Grey)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Black)Book (Atlas)Describing the shattered islands.

The Loveless Residence[]

The library is located north of the Liberty bay depot, on the second floor.

The library is located north of the Liberty bay depot, on the second floor (above the jewelry shop).

First Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Treasure Hunter's Manual (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Fat Green)?
The Golden Whale (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)Book (Brown)Book (Brown Square)?

The Cult Cave[]

NameBook TypeShort Description
The Animal Kings (Book)Book (Orange)Book (Blue)?
The Blades of Darkness (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Grey)Book (Black)Book (Green)A legendary sword dwells at the bottom of the oceans.
The Demon Fiddler (Book)Book (Black)?
The Fire Walkers (Book)Book (Orange)Book (Black)Book (Brown Square)?
The Flying Venorean (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)?
The Ghost Ship (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Black)?
The Great Sea Serpents (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Blue)Book (Atlas)Description of Sea Serpents
The Klabautermen (Book)Book (Atlas)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Grey)Describes small imps that inhabit some ships.
The Lighthouse in the Middle of Nowhere (Book)Book (Red)Book (Blue)A spooky lighthouse poses quite the danger to sailors.
The Maze of the Lost Souls (Book)Book (Black)Book (Blue)Small description of the Maze of the Lost Souls.
The Secret Guardians (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Blue)Book (Brown)There is legend of four guardians, who can open the door of sanctum.
The Shattered Isles (Book)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Fat Green)Book (Grey)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Black)Book (Atlas)Describing the shattered islands.

Other Books[]

NameBook TypeShort Description
A Piece of Cake I (Book)Book (Black)The first stage of the A Piece of Cake World Quest is explained.


The Angry Mermaid[]

The Angry Mermaid Map The angry mermaid

The biggest building in Sabrehaven and directly north of the dock.

First Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Treasure Hunter's Manual (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Fat Green)?
Become a Pirate in a Week: Ten Easy Steps (Book)Book (Black)?
A Pirate's Life for You (Book)Book (Orange)Book (Brown Thin)
Plundering Made Easy (Book)Book (Black)Book (Orange)?

The deserted house[]

Deserted House Map Deserted house on treasure island

North west of the Angry Mermaid Inn, in Sabrehaven.

First Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Seasickness (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown)?
Monsters of the Sea (Book)Book (Green)Book (Black)?
101 Sailing Songs (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown)

Second Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Treasure Hunter's Manual (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Fat Green)?
Nautical Studies (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Green)Book (Blue)Book (Black)Book (Grey)?


On Nargor there are known to be at least two rooms with Bookcases.

North of the harbour[]

Nargor Library Map
Nargor Library Map2

First Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Treasure Hunter's Manual (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Fat Green)?
The Quara, Curse of the Seas (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)Book (Fat Green)Book (Brown Thin)Description of the quara
Parrot Training (Book)Book (Brown Square)?

Second Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Parrot and Me (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown Thin)?
A Pirate's Memoir (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown)?

Third Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Treasures of the Southern Isles (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Black)Book (Red)Reccommendations on where to bury treasure, and where to look for treasure.
Catalogue of Hooks for the Stylish Pirate (Book)Book (Orange)?

Fourth Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
101 Sailing Songs (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown)
The Shattered Isles (Book)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Fat Green)Book (Grey)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Black)Book (Atlas)Describing the shattered islands.
Flags of the World (Book)Book (Red)Book (Orange)Book (Grey)Book (Black)?
Plundering Made Easy (Book)Book (Black)Book (Orange)?
A Pirate's Life for You (Book)Book (Orange)Book (Brown Thin)

Fifth Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Become a Pirate in a Week: Ten Easy Steps (Book)Book (Black)?
The Golden Whale (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)Book (Brown)Book (Brown Square)?
The Klabautermen (Book)Book (Atlas)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Grey)Describes small imps that inhabit some ships.
The Great Sea Serpents (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Blue)Book (Atlas)Description of Sea Serpents

Near the boss room[]

To enter this library you need to have received the task to kill a pirate boss from Raymond Striker. The library is located beyond Klaus's tavern, here.

Second Nargor Library Map

First Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
A Pirate's Life for You (Book)Book (Orange)Book (Brown Thin)
101 Sailing Songs (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown)
Treasures of the Southern Isles (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Black)Book (Red)Reccommendations on where to bury treasure, and where to look for treasure.

Second Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Treasure Hunter's Manual (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Fat Green)?
Flags of the World (Book)Book (Red)Book (Orange)Book (Grey)Book (Black)?
Nautical Studies (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Green)Book (Blue)Book (Black)Book (Grey)?

Third Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Flying Venorean (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)?
The Golden Whale (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)Book (Brown)Book (Brown Square)?
The Animal Kings (Book)Book (Orange)Book (Blue)?
The Legend of the Swimming Isle (Book)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Black)Book (Red)?


NameBook TypeShort Description
Crystal Gardens (Book)PaperAn explorer is ecstatic about reaching the Crystal Gardens and then sees his friend Harry do something strange.


Name Type Description
Sacrifice Notes (Book) Paper Mysterious sacrificial notes.


Name Type Description
5159564611 (Book) Book (Black) 515956461141451905845...
A Shrinking Potion (Book) Book (Brown)Book (Brown Thin) How to make a shrinking potion.
Beware of the Bonelords (Book) Book (Black) Exposition on Bonelord, their location, their language, and their motives.
Heresies of the New Age (Book) Book (Black)Book (Orange) Refuting heresies concerning the Soulvortex
I, Ghoul (Book) Book (Brown)Book (Atlas) Study of a dwarf who posed as a ghoul to understand their point-of-view.
The Blades of Darkness (Book) Book (Brown)Book (Grey)Book (Black)Book (Green) A legendary sword dwells at the bottom of the oceans.
The Great Book of Firemagic (Book) Book (Brown)Book (Black)Book (Fat Green) ?
The Great Sea Serpents (Book) Book (Brown Square)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Blue)Book (Atlas) Description of Sea Serpents
The Klabautermen (Book) Book (Atlas)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Grey) Describes small imps that inhabit some ships.
The Lair of Xemal Xoth (Book) Book (Brown Thin) A power-hungry lich constructs an evil lair that no one knows how to find.
The Liberators of the Spark (Book) Book (Brown)Book (Red) One person's view of the group called "liberators of the spark."
The Secret Guardians (Book) Book (Brown Square)Book (Blue)Book (Brown) There is legend of four guardians, who can open the door of sanctum.
The Witches' Grotto (Book) Book (Brown Square)Book (Black)Book (Brown)Book (Brown Thin) ?