
These NPCs are located in Kazordoon or in close areas.

Kazordoon NPCs (89 NPCs)

Name Job Buy/Sell Location
A Dwarven Ghost A Dwarven Ghost Unknown Occupation Grothmok tunnels in the Dwarf Mines.
Alberto Alberto Assistant
Magic Shopkeeper
Tibia Drome
The Kazordoon Tibiadrome; access via Mystic Flame by north gate in The Market, here.
Basilisk Basilisk Unknown Occupation Kazordoon mines, under the city
Bezil Bezil Equipment Shopkeeper Shops Street in Kazordoon beneath the Depot.
Brodraem Orcbeard Brodraem Orcbeard Unknown. Kazordoon
Brodrosch Brodrosch Ship Captain
Ore Wagon System Ticket Seller
Far below Kazordoon.
Budrik Budrik Foreman West side of The Big Old One, cave north of and closest to river.
Caramellia Caramellia Unknown Occupation The highest floor of the Femor Hills Tower
Cruleo Cruleo Hunter
Near Orc Fortress in Ferngrims Gate
Dronk Dronk Foreman South-west of Kazordoon
Dukosch Dukosch Ore Wagon System Ticket Seller North of Kazordoon
Duria Duria Knight Guild Leader Kazordoon, southwest from the depot
Dwarf Captain Dwarf Captain Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Dwarf Deep Guard Dwarf Deep Guard Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Dwarf Explorer Dwarf Explorer Explorer Gnome Deep Hub.
Dwarf Guard Day Shift Dwarf Guard Day Shift Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Dwarf Guard Night Shift Dwarf Guard Night Shift Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Dwarf Outpost Soldier Dwarf Outpost Soldier Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Dwarven Guard Dwarven Guard Guard Kazordoon Dwarf Mines: 2 can be found in the city and 2 can be found outside the city.
Emperor Kruzak Emperor Kruzak Monarch Kazordoon Throne Room
Etzel Etzel Sorcerer
Sorcerer Guild Leader
Kazordoon, three levels above depot.
Ferus Ferus Cleric
Marriage Officiant
Kazordoon, north of temple.
GNOPS Member GNOPS Member Unknown. Grotto of the Lost and Dwelling of the Forgotten
Gewen Gewen Magic Carpet Manager
Ore Wagon System Ticket Seller
Kazordoon top of the mountain.
Gnomad Gnomad Informer Warzone 1, right before the warzone entrance.
Gnome Crystalomancer Gnome Crystalomancer Unknown. Gnome Deep Hub.
Gnome Explorer Gnome Explorer Explorer Gnome Deep Hub.
Gnome Gemsplicer Gnome Gemsplicer Unknown. Gnome Deep Hub.
Gnome Guard Captain Gnome Guard Captain Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Gnome Guard Night Shift Gnome Guard Night Shift Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Gnome Guard Gnome Guard Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Gnome Outer Guard Gnome Outer Guard Unknown. Gnome Deep Hub.
Gnomenerdia Gnomenerdia Unknown. Antrum of the Fallen
Gnomenezer Gnomenezer Supervisor Golem Workshop section of the Gnomebase Alpha
Gnomeral Gnomeral Officer Western Gnomebase Alpha
Gnomercy Gnomercy Informer Warzone 3, right before the warzone entrance.
Gnomevisor Gnomevisor Unknown. Too Hot To Handle
Gnomillion Gnomillion Banker North-eastern Gnomegate, inside the Depot
Gnomincia Gnomincia Assistant Gnomebase Alpha, near the teleport to Gnomegate
Gnominimus Gnominimus Unknown. Gnome Deep Hub
Gnomission Gnomission Shopkeeper South-eastern Gnomebase Alpha
Gnomole Gnomole Informer Warzone 2, right before the warzone entrance.
Gnomoney Gnomoney Unknown. Antrum of the Fallen
Gnomonster Gnomonster Unknown. Antrum of the Fallen
Gnomus Gnomus Unknown. Gnome Deep Hub
Gnomystery Gnomystery Unknown. Kazordoon
Grodrik Grodrik Unknown Occupation Shops Street in Kazordoon, in the Jolly Axeman Tavern.
Grumpy Stone Grumpy Stone Unknown. South-east of Femor Hills.
Hemor, The Guard Hemor, The Guard Guard Kazordoon, next to Emperor Kruzak
Humgolf Humgolf Caretaker Shops Street in western Kazordoon.
Humnog, The Guard Humnog, The Guard Guard Kazordoon, next to Emperor Kruzak
Huntsman Huntsman Hunter Various spots around Carlin, Kazordoon and Ab'Dendriel.
Isimov Isimov Cleric
Kazordoon Temple.
Iwar Iwar Furniture Shopkeeper Kazordoon, west of depot.
Jagran Jagran Guard Dwarven Mines, west of Kazordoon.
Jimbin Jimbin Barkeeper Kazordoon, Jolly Axeman Tavern.
Junkar Junkar Ship Captain Near the Steamship in Thais (here), Robson Isle (here) and Sunken Mines (here).
Kawill Kawill Geomancer
Caste Leader
South of Isimov
Kevin Kevin Postman Postal Service Headquarters, at the Thaian-Venorean Road.
Klom Stonecutter Klom Stonecutter Unknown. Gnome Deep Hub.
Kroox Kroox Armor Shopkeeper Kazordoon, northern Shops Street, below the depot.
Lardoc Bashsmite Lardoc Bashsmite Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Lesser Messenger of Heaven Lesser Messenger of Heaven Informer South-west of Dwarven Bridge (here) and north of Edron (here)
Lokur Lokur Banker
Ore Wagon System Ticket Seller
In the Kazordoon depot
Lucius Lucius Informer Yalahar (Magician Quarter, south of Ethan), Kazordoon (in the Lightbearer reward room, here) and Temple of Light (here).
Lukosch Lukosch Ore Wagon System Ticket Seller Near the Dwarven Bridge
Malech Malech Guard Kazordoon, near entrance to mines.
Maryza Maryza Barkeeper
Kazordoon, Jolly Axeman Tavern.
Melfar Melfar Foreman Kazordoon Dwarf Mines, ground level, west from the royal mailbox.
Nezil Nezil Equipment Shopkeeper Shops Street in Kazordoon, beneath the Depot.
Opticorder Forge (NPC) Opticorder Forge (NPC) Guard Kazordoon Forge.
Pukosch Pukosch Ore Wagon System Ticket Seller West of Kazordoon
Pydar Pydar Pyromancer
Caste Leader
North of Kazordoon temple, past the many Fire Fields.
Rapanaio Rapanaio Inventor Kazordoon, near the Steam Boat.
Riddler Riddler Necromancer
Near the top of the Paradox Tower.
Scutty Scutty Technomancer Kazordoon, near Talphion.
Shortsighted Dwarf Shortsighted Dwarf Rebel Kazordoon, in a cave.
Sigurd Sigurd Magic Shopkeeper Kazordoon, three floors above depot.
Storkus Storkus Inquisitor On the way to Kazordoon, west of the Dwarven Bridge.
Talphion Talphion Technomancer
Caste Leader
North-west in Kazordoon some floors down.
Tezila Tezila Jewelry Shopkeeper Kazordoon, Shops Street, one floor below the depot to the south.
Thanita Thanita Guard The Tower of Whitewatch, in northern Femor Hills
The Orc King The Orc King Monarch His Throne Room, deep inside Ulderek's Rock.
Tulf Tulf Guard
Guard room near Emperor Kruzak
Uzgod Uzgod Artisan
Weapon Shopkeeper
Below the Kazordoon depot on Shops Street.
Uzon Uzon Inquisitor
Magic Carpet Manager
South-west Femor Hills, as well as on the the Witches' Cliff (here).
Wally Wally Postman
Postal Service Headquarters, at the Thaian-Venorean Road.
Wyrdin's Apprentice Wyrdin's Apprentice Unknown. Kazordoon
Xelvar Xelvar Recruiter Kazordoon, north in temple district.