

A Rookgaard warrior ventured into a cave, met monsters he couldn't defeat, and his loot can be found at the place of his death.


Rookgaard, Rotworm Dungeon under graves here

Required Equipment

Rope, Shovel, maybe Antidote Runes (2 recommended), maybe some Life Fluids (for if you get in low hp due to Rotworms and Skeletons, Key 4603 if you already have it (Not nessicary to buy!).


  • Go to the graves to the north-west in the free area of Rookgaard, here.
  • Open the middle down one with a Shovel.
  • It is recommended that you kill all Skeletons here. You do not have to, but if you don't they will follow you. You can go to the south of the room and kill them one-by­-one while standing in the narrow passage.
  • If you have Key 4603, skip this point (altough it would be nice to get 2 of them because you can sell it to other players). To get Key 4603 face north. It is recommended to use Defensive Fighting mode here (there are two Rotworms). Key 4603 will be hidden in one of bodies (You may need to uncover it).
  • Open the door with The Key. Go downstairs.

Watch Out! If the door is unlocked there could be 2 Skeletons and a rotworm in this room!

  • Pull (Use) the lever behind the northern white pilar to unlock the door.
  • It is the best to wait for all creatures get out of room, then run into the room and close the door whit "Use" or hold ctrl key and click on it.

File:Katana Quest.jpg
