
Some plants, flowers and bushes typically appear in Tiquanda, the jungle. Most of them are also described in these books:

Jungle Plants[]

Name Move Walk Notes
Bamboo Plant Bamboo Plant All bamboo furniture (like Bamboo Wardrobes, Bamboo Drawers) are made of this plant.
Bees Ballroom Bees Ballroom It attracts all kind of insects including bees. It is quoted in this book.
Chill Nettle Chill Nettle Injects a very mild poison that let the skin feel somewhat numb and cold. Quoted in this book.
Crane Plant Crane Plant A rather pompous plant, named after its discoverer Malcom Crane. It is quoted in this book.
Dawn Singer Dawn Singer It opens it's blossom in the morning, but emanates an awful odour. It is quoted in this book.
Devil's Tongue Flower Devil's Tongue Flower It's a species of flowers from Tiquanda. It's quite a big plant and its leaves give a spice when dried. This flower is quoted in this book.
Dragons Nest Tree Dragons Nest Tree It isn't a real tree and has nothing to do with dragons. It is quoted in this book.
Fairy Queen Fairy Queen One of the most beautiful plants of the world, but very expensive to grow so only royalties can afford to grow it. It is quoted in this book.
Giant Jungle Rose Giant Jungle Rose It is an enormous rose.
See also:
Jungle Rose
Green Fountain Bush Green Fountain Bush It is named like this because it resembles a frozen green fountain and like a cactus it is able to accumulate a substantial supply of water in its thick leaves. Quoted in this book.
Green Wig Bush Green Wig Bush The roots of this bush are used by the Dworcs as a camouflage during their attacks. It is quoted in this book.
Jungle Bells Plant Jungle Bells Plant It is lovely, but needs much light and water. It is described in this book.
Jungle Crown Plant Jungle Crown Plant It's name comes from it's unique ringlike growth pattern. It is quoted in this book.
Jungle Dweller Bush Jungle Dweller Bush The home of insects and small animals. It is quoted in this book.
Jungle Maw Jungle Maw Deals damage the same way as a Trap. Deals 30 earth damage when stepping on it. Avoid them, don't walk afk or every time you see one throw an item over it to close it. Some players don't notice it when they're walking over them and die if they are heavily wounded. In areas where they are many you can use them to damage monsters like Terror Birds by luring the monster. When closed, it takes 2 minutes and 30 seconds to go back to its original, open state.
Jungle Rose Jungle Rose Related to ordinary Roses. It can grow very big and become a Giant Jungle Rose. It is quoted in this book.
Jungle Umbrella Plant (Large) Jungle Umbrella Plant (Large) Looks like an umbrella, it grows faster than bamboo and almost becomes a pest. It is quoted in this book. There are three sizes of the Jungle Umbrella Plant: Small, Medium and Large.
Jungle Umbrella Plant (Medium) Jungle Umbrella Plant (Medium) Looks like an umbrella, it grows faster than bamboo and almost becomes a pest. It is quoted in this book. There are three sizes of the Jungle Umbrella Plant: Small, Medium and Large.
Jungle Umbrella Plant (Small) Jungle Umbrella Plant (Small) Looks like an umbrella, it grows faster than bamboo and almost becomes a pest. It is quoted in this book. There are three sizes of the Jungle Umbrella Plant: Small, Medium and Large.
Large Pearl Flower (Pink) Large Pearl Flower (Pink) There are also yellow Large Pearl Flowers.
Large Pearl Flower (Yellow) Large Pearl Flower (Yellow) There are also pink Large Pearl Flowers.
Lizards Tongue Bush Lizards Tongue Bush Grows quite fast, recognised by the slime coating of it's leaves. It is quoted in this book.
Monkey Tail Monkey Tail A look-alike of the Chill Nettle. It is quoted in this book.
Purple Cardinal Purple Cardinal This plant grows big and protects itself from ants. It is quoted in this book.
Purple Kiss Bush Purple Kiss Bush It seems impossible to cultivate it, so it's only seen in wild. It is quoted in this book.
Small Pearl Flower Small Pearl Flower Smaller version of a Large Pearl Flower (Pink).
Snake Nest Bush Snake Nest Bush
Titans Orchid Titans Orchid Quoted in this book.
Tower Fern Tower Fern
Turtle Sprouter Turtle Sprouter Can be cultivated easily, it's sprouts have the shape of small orbs. It is quoted in this book.
Velvet Petal Velvet Petal Its petals feel like velvet. It is quoted in this book.
Witches' Cauldron Plant Witches' Cauldron Plant It is a large, poisonous plant. It is described in this book. It looks really similar to a real life plant, the Titan Arum.

See also: Objects
