Player: hi
Jorge: Hi there! You have surely come here because you have heard of me, and what a great replicating artist I am, right? ...
Jorge: Or could it be that you haven't heard of me? Anyway, I am always on the hunt for beautiful and rare items. Almost a collector, you could say. ...
Jorge: My grandfather taught me the art of carving and replicating. In my younger years I have also developed a knack for hunting. I once started to catalogue all the monsters in this world. ...
Jorge: So I resorted to copying interesting artefacts that were found inside all those monsters. Just look at my display here. They look just like the real ones, eh? ...
Jorge: Anyway, can you help me, please? You seem to be eager to fight against any monster that comes your way!
Player: carving
Jorge: Yes, carving. The fine art of taking an undefined, amorphous, something, a knife and making something beautiful out of it. ...
Jorge: Actually, it is creating something by reducing it. Beautiful, eh? I had some years to practice what my grandpa taught me - so feel free to look around later, but first - can you help me?
Player: replicating
Jorge: The art of creating something that looks and feels and behaves like the original. It requires a lot of appreciation for detail, diligence and time. But the outcome is ultimately rewarding, don't you think? Anyway, could you help me, please?
Player: raids
Jorge: Yes, raids. From time to time, a special horde of monsters appears somewhere on this world. You will see it when it happens - just follow the people rushing there! Or ask your fellow adventurers when and where a certain raid is expected.
Player: bye
Jorge: Take care!