
The city of Issavi is located on the island of Kilmaresh, here, which is found north-east of Krailos. It is reachable by ship from Venore, Oramond, Darashia or Krailos and by Magic Carpet from any city with the service.

Issavi was built on Kilmaresh about a thousand years ago, when the old capital, Nuur, was destroyed by Suon's Wrath, an event that split the island into smaller pieces and was triggered by the raise of the Fafnar Cultists. Nuur was so big that it occupied most of Kilmaresh, and its ruins can still be seen all over the steppe. Nowadays, the worship of Fafnar is forbidden in Issavi. After Suon's Wrath, Bastesh was chosen as the new god that is Suon's true sister, and the god duality of the city of Issavi was restored. The ruler of Issavi is always a wise Anuma.


Issavi NPCs (35 NPCs)

Name Job Buy/Sell Location
Alyxo Alyxo Artist Northeast of the Issavi depot.
Ambassador of Rathleton Ambassador of Rathleton Representative Issavi palace, four floors up.
Atur Atur Banker East Issavi.
Captain Coohan Captain Coohan Unknown. Rascacoon
Captain Harava Captain Harava Ship Captain His ship on Kilmaresh.
Captain Jack Rat Captain Jack Rat Unknown. Rascacoon
Eliyas Eliyas Shopkeeper Issavi's marketplace, south of the depot.
Eshaya Eshaya Clan Leader North of Issavi's marketplace, one floor up.
Eustacio's Spy Rat Eustacio's Spy Rat Spy Rascacoon
Faloriel Faloriel Magic Shopkeeper Issavi's marketplace, south of the depot.
Guard Bazaya Guard Bazaya Guard Near Issavi's southeastern gate.
Guard Inurta Guard Inurta Guard Issavi palace, three floors up.
Guard Saros Guard Saros Guard South of the Issavi depot.
Guard Senet Guard Senet Guard In Issavi's prison, on the ground floor of the palace.
Guide Meruka Guide Meruka Informer Near the ship of Issavi.
Inkaef Inkaef Furniture Shopkeeper Issavi's
Iptar-Sin Iptar-Sin Cleric
Above the Issavi depot.
Kallimae Kallimae Representative Next to Issavi's depot, two floors up.
Khanna Khanna Magic Shopkeeper Issavi's marketplace, south of the depot.
Moe Moe Adventurer Two floors up southwest of the Issavi depot.
Narsai Narsai Clairvoyant South of the marketplace
Ninev Ninev Cleric South-west in town, in a bathhouse
Ninos Ninos Postman Southwest of the Issavi depot.
Om'Wake Naha Om'Wake Naha Trader Rascacoon
Ramina Ramina Barkeeper Southwest of the Issavi depot.
Saideh Saideh Informer At the center of the Kilmaresh Mountains behind a waterfall.
Shimun Shimun Fisherman Nykri Delta in Kilmaresh.
Tamed Lion Tamed Lion Unknown Occupation Issavi palace, three floors up.
Tanyt Tanyt Magic Carpet Manager Issavi Magic Carpet platform
Taya Taya Cleric Near the small temple of the Nykri Delta.
Tefrit Tefrit Equipment Shopkeeper On top of the Kilmaresh Mountains.
The Empress The Empress Monarch Issavi palace, four floors up.
The Librarian The Librarian Librarian Issavi palace
Tik'hi Tak'he Tik'hi Tak'he Shaman Rascacoon
Yonan Yonan Jewelry Shopkeeper Issavi's marketplace, south of the depot.
