- Klk! Klk!
- Chrrr! Chrr!
Sightings of Insectoid Scouts are a relatively new phenomenon. After several skirmishes of the creatures with Tibian natives, a few things about them can be considered as verified facts. The Insectoid Scouts are not aggressive in the sense that they are attacking towns or settlements, instead, they are usually found in rather remote areas. When encountered though, they are rather violent and attack everyone relentlessly. Despite their build, they are rather tough and extremely strong. Their behaviour suggests that they are looking for something or spying on someone. This behaviour earned them the nickname 'scouts', and military officials of the major powers are all concerned that they might be indeed forerunners for something bigger and more sinister.
Damage Taken From Elements
An insectoid scout attacks in melee range. An insectoid scout never retreats.
Distance fighting vocations can lure it back to the Sheep pen near Tokel and kill them from behind the gate.
- 1-80× Gold Coin (common)
- Ripper Lance (very rare)
- Health Potion (very rare)
- Club Ring (very rare)