
Ignore is a feature of Tibia that makes all messages from a certain player not to be displayed. This is often used when there is a spammer or you had an argument with a friend.

To add a player to ignore list, right click him or his name (on chat) and choose "Ignore player" OR go to the (\) symbol on north-east corner of console (or pres Ctrl+I), click the Add button (the left one) and enter his namme.

To uningore someone, right click him or his name (on chat) and choose "Unignore player" OR go to the (\) symbol on north-east corner of console (or pres Ctrl+I), click on his name and click on the "Delete" button.

When you ignore someone, he will not be ignored the next time you log in. To ignore permanently someone, ignore him and them go to the (\) symbol on north-east corner of console (or pres Ctrl+I), select his name and mark the option "Ignore Permanently".
