Player: hi
Hairycles: Oh! Hello! Hello! Did not notice! So busy.
Player: name
Hairycles: Me is Hairycles.
Player: how are you?
Hairycles: Me fine, me fine.
Player: busy/job
Hairycles: Me great wizard. Me great doctor of ape people. Me know many plants. Me old and me have seen many things.
Player: wizard/magic
Hairycles: We see many things and learning quick. Merlkin magic learn quick, quick. We just watch and learn. Sometimes we try and learn.
Player: doctor
Hairycles: Me can heal.
Player: ape people
Hairycles: We be kongra, sibang and merlkin. Strange hairless ape people live in city called Port Hope.
Player: things
Hairycles: Things not good now. Need helper to do mission for me people.
Player: merlkin
Hairycles: Merlkin we are. Merlkin verry wise, merlkin learn many things quick. Teach other apes things a lot. Making heal and making magic.
Player: heal
Hairycles: You look for food and rest.
Player: kongra
Hairycles: Kongra verry strong. Kongra verry angry verry fast. Take care when kongra comes. Better climb on highest tree.
Player: sibang
Hairycles: Sibang verry fast and funny. Sibang good gather food. Sibang know jungle well.
Player: port hope
Hairycles: Strange hairless ape people there live. We go and get funny things from strange people.
Player: city
Hairycles: City now our is. Chasing away evil snakemen.
Player: help
Hairycles: Me not help you can. Other apes would get mad at me.
Player: mission
Hairycles: These are dire times for our people. Problems plenty are in this times. But me people not grant trust easy. Are you willing to prove you friend of ape people?
Player: no
Hairycles: Hairycles sad is now. But perhaps you will change mind one day.
Player: jungle
Hairycles: Jungle is dangerous. Jungle also provides us food. Take care when in jungle and safe you be.
Player: snakemen
Hairycles: Evil snakemen mean to apes and making them work and holding them captive since apes can think. But then Spartaky came.
Player: Spartaky
Hairycles: He great ape was. He fled to jungle, taught other apes of snakemen secrets. Came back with other apes and together we chased snake people away. Made city our home.
Player: weapon
Hairycles: We weapons not need much. Take what is around we do. Tools we more need.
Player: Tools
Hairycles: Lot of tools snakemen left when run away. But tools go break. New tools we get where we find. Like taking banana.
Player: banana
Hairycles: Banana is good. Is magic fruit. Banana makes happy. Banana means life. Banana is everything.
Player: offers/trade
Hairycles: Me nothing have to offer you now. Perhaps ask later, when we know better.
Player: language
Hairycles: Strange hairless ape in loincloth came here. Zantar his name was. Brought many banana. We him liked. He here lived. Taught Hairycles funny language.
Player: holy serpent
Hairycles: Ugly beasts that are holy to lizard people. Only found in ancient temple under Banuta. But me can not allow you to go there.
Player: advice
Hairycles: You stay away from other apes. We not like foreigners. Especially with so little hair.
Player: time
Hairycles: You look to suns or moon and time you know.
Player: tibia
Hairycles: Me know Tibia is all we see.
Player: bye
Hairycles: Bye, bye.