This is Item is a Rod.
See Also: Wands and Rods
Hailstorm Rod Hailstorm Rod
Used by: Druids of level 33 or higher.
Damage: Average 65 Ice Damage per turn.
Weight: 27.00 oz
Mana per shot: 13
Range: 3 sqm
Buy from: Alexander (Edron) - 15,000 gp.
Chuckles (Yalahar) - 15,000 gp
Tandros (Port Hope) - 15,000 gp.
Price: 2,500-4,000 gp
Sell to: Yaman (Green Djinn Fortress) 3,000 gp
Dropped by:
Priestess, Marid, Adept of the Cult, Blightwalker, Madareth.
Notes: Provides 3 squares of blue light. This rod replaced the Tempest RodTempest Rod in 8.1 Update. It is great for fighting Dragons, Demons and other creatures weak to Ice Damage. Adept of the Cult are commonly hunted so this item should not be bought at a shop rather bought from a player for the price 2,500 to 3,000 gp.