This is Item is a Rod.
See Also: Wands and Rods
Hailstorm Rod Hailstorm Rod
Used by: Druids of level 33 or higher.
Damage: Average 573424312542454 Ice Damage per turn.
Weight: 27.00 oz
Mana per shot: 13
Range: 3 sqm
Buy from: Alexander (Edron) - 15,000 gp.
Chuckles (Yalahar) - 15,000 gp.
Price: 3,000 - 5,000 gp
Sell to: Yaman (Green Djinn Fortress) 3,000 gp
Dropped by:
Priestess, Marid, Adept of the Cult, Blightwalker, Madareth.
Notes: This rod replaced the Tempest RodTempest Rod in 8.1 Update. It is great for fighting Dragons, Demons and other creatures weak to Ice Damage.