Player: hi
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Who goes there? What do you disturb the quiet of the abyss for?
Player: name
Guardian of the Deep Seas: I am the Guardian of the Deep Seas. Once, as a human, I was known as Captain Blight. But that is not who I am any longer, now.
Player: Mr Brandon
Guardian of the Deep Seas: He was not a bad sort until the booze ruined him. A little greedy, trying to make a fortune on the quiet. That sealed his fate. So now he's sentenced to servitude for a long, long time.
Player: Powers
Guardian of the Deep Seas: They are secretive. Maybe they once guarded the ruins, the people who lived there. Or maybe it's the souls of these people that haunts this place. Anyway. It's all in the dark, now.
Player: this
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Hear then what happened. Years and years ago, I was captain of the fishing boat 'Beneficence', and we were out to fish in the cliffs. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The mist grew thicker and thicker, and we thought we had best wait until it lifted a little, lest we should run aground on the cliffs of Oramond. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Then the lookout yelled he'd seen a ship, right before us. Indeed, a black galleon rocked in the waves straight before our bow! ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: We hailed her, but no-one answered - the ship was deserted and still as a tomb. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: When I boarded it with my men, we found no sign of any crew - only abandoned chests of eerily shimmering gold, and everything overgrown with seaweeds and corals, as if the ship had come up from great depths. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: I felt that we should best leave the ship as we found it, but my men disagreed. Brandon was one of the loudest to claim the gold for himself, and fights broke out as the men squabbled over the most valuable pieces. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Only a few of my loyal men withstood the lure of the gold, and we tried to calm the others down, but in vain. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The others turned on us and tied us to the main mast, taking all the gold off to the Beneficence, leaving us behind. As soon as the Beneficence was out of sight, a horrible storm broke loose. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The water boiled and roiled, and giant maned sea serpents came up beside our ship, flogged the sea with their tails, roared and thrashed about and then pursued the Beneficence. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: We heard the terrified screams of the Beneficence' crew, the horrible roar of the seacrest serpents, and the splintering of wood. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: And then giant tentacles like tree trunks gripped the ghost ship and took her down, taking us down, down with it into the black, horrible cold of the sea. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The water rang in my ears, and my heart ached. Lead seemed to fill my lungs, I could not breathe. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Something, I don't know what, came up to me and asked me for my choice - eternal torment or many lifetimes of servitude until the Dark Powers would be appeased and let me die. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: I chose the latter, and am now the Guardian of the Deep Seas. Assist me, or leave.