This article or section is about game content that is currently unavailable to players.
This page informs about an in-game entity which might previously have been available to players, but currently is not. It may have been made inaccessible or was never accessible to begin with.
The information in this page or section may not reflect the current in-game situation anymore, but this page should be retained for posterity.
You see a gloombringer
Melee (0-3000+)
Damage Taken From Elements
Temple of Light, during certain circumstances in the Lightbearer event.
They chase until death.
It is not advised to kill this monster, they are not intended to do so and give bad loot and experience.
Related Creatures
- Angry Demon
- Animated Feather
- Animated Guzzlemaw
- Annihilon
- Bad Dream
- Biting Book
- Brachiodemon
- Bragrumol
- Bretzecutioner
- Burning Book
- Candy Horror
- Choking Fear
- Cocoon
- Cursed Book
- Dark Knowledge
- Dark Torturer
- Dawnfire Asura
- Demon
- Demon Outcast
- Demon Slave
- Despair
- Destroyer
- Devovorga
- Devovorga (Invincible)
- Diabolic Imp
- Eclipse Knight
- Energetic Book
- Energuardian of Tales
- Enfeebled Silencer
- Enthralled Demon
- Feversleep
- Fire Devil
- Flameborn
- Floating Savant
- Flying Book
- Frazzlemaw
- Frost Flower Asura
- Fury
- Furyosa
- Gaz'haragoth
- Ghazbaran
- Ghulosh
- Ghulosh' Deathgaze
- Golgordan
- Gorzindel
- Gozzler
- Grave Guard
- Gravedigger
- Grimeleech
- Guardian of Tales
- Guilt
- Guzzlemaw
- Hand of Cursed Fate
- Harbinger of Darkness
- Haunter
- Hellflayer
- Hellgorak
- Hellhound
- Hellspawn
- Herald of Gloom
- Horadron
- Icecold Book
- Imp Intruder
- Infernal Demon
- Invading Demon
- Irahsae
- Juggernaut
- Kerberos
- Kroazur
- Kusuma
- Latrivan
- Lesser Fire Devil
- Librarian
- Lokathmor
- Lyxoph (Creature)
- Madareth
- Malicious Minion
- Massacre
- Mawhawk
- Mazoran
- Mazzinor
- Mean Minion
- Memory of a Book
- Memory of a Frazzlemaw
- Mephiles
- Midnight Asura
- Minion of Gaz'haragoth
- Misguided Shadow
- Monstor
- Morgaroth
- Mozradek
- Mr. Punish
- Nibblemaw
- Nightmare
- Nightmare Scion
- Nightmare Tendril
- Nightmare of Gaz'haragoth
- Nightstalker
- Omrafir
- Orshabaal
- Phrodomo
- Plagirath
- Plaguesmith
- Prince Drazzak
- Rage of Mazoran
- Ragiaz
- Razzagorn
- Reflection of Mawhawk
- Retching Horror
- Rift Brood
- Rift Fragment
- Rift Invader
- Rift Lord
- Rift Phantom
- Rift Scythe
- Rift Spawn
- Rift Worm
- Samael
- Shadow Fiend
- Shadow Hound
- Shadow Tentacle
- Shimmying Butterfly
- Shiversleep
- Shock Head
- Shulgrax
- Sight of Surrender
- Silencer
- Sin Devourer
- Spawn of Despair
- Spawn of Devovorga
- Spoiler
- Stolen Knowledge of Armor
- Stolen Knowledge of Healing
- Stolen Knowledge of Lifesteal
- Stolen Knowledge of Spells
- Stolen Knowledge of Summoning
- Stolen Tome of Portals
- Supercharged Mazzinor
- Tarbaz
- Tentacle of the Deep Terror
- Terofar
- Terrorsleep
- Thanatursus
- The Blazing Rose
- The Book of Death
- The Book of Secrets
- The Diamond Blossom
- The Dreadorian
- The Fettered Shatterer
- The Fire Empowered Duke
- The Flaming Orchid
- The Handmaiden
- The Imperor
- The Lily of Night
- The Masked Marauder
- The Moonlight Aster
- The Obliverator
- The Shatterer
- The Spellstealer
- The Spellstealer (Creator)
- The Spellstealer (Destructor)
- The Winter Bloom
- Tormentor
- True Dawnfire Asura
- True Frost Flower Asura
- True Midnight Asura
- Unexpected
- Ungreez
- Ushuriel
- Vexclaw
- Vile Destroyer
- Vulnerable Cocoon
- Weakened Demon
- Weakened Frazzlemaw
- Xogixath
- Yielothax
- Zamulosh
- Zavarash
- Zugurosh
Event Creatures
- Acolyte of Darkness
- Animated Snowman
- Anmothra
- Annoying Dog
- Bane Bringer
- Bane Lord
- Bane of Light
- Bear (Nostalgia)
- Berrypest
- Bloom of Doom
- Bolfrim (Creature)
- Bonelord (Nostalgia)
- Bride of Night
- Cake Golem
- Captured Beer
- Chayenne (Creature)
- Chikhaton
- Cocoon
- Count Tofifti (Creature)
- Craban (Creature)
- Delany (Creature)
- Denson Larika (Creature)
- Devovorga
- Devovorga (Invincible)
- Doomsday Cultist
- Dryad
- Duskbringer
- Eating Dog
- Eclipse Knight
- Essence of Darkness
- Fat Porker
- Font of Refreshment
- Food Wagon
- Ghost Rat
- Giant Spider 7.4
- Giant Spider 7.6
- Giant Spider 8.1
- Giant Spider Brood 7.4
- Giant Spider Brood 7.6
- Giant Spider Brood 8.1
- Giant Spider Drone 7.4
- Giant Spider Drone 7.6
- Giant Spider Drone 8.1
- Giant Spider Hatchling 7.4
- Giant Spider Hatchling 7.6
- Giant Spider Hatchling 8.1
- Giant Spider Warrior 7.4
- Giant Spider Warrior 7.6
- Giant Spider Warrior 8.1
- Grimrat
- Grims Little Hamster
- Grynch Clan Goblin
- Harbinger of Darkness
- Herald of Gloom
- Irahsae
- Lionet (Creature)
- Lyxoph (Creature)
- Midnight Spawn
- Midnight Warrior
- Minion of Skyrr
- Mirade (Creature)
- Muse of Penciljack
- Nightslayer
- Penciljack (Creature)
- Phrodomo
- Piñata Dragon
- Queen Nostalgia (1)
- Queen Nostalgia (2)
- Queen Nostalgia (3)
- Queen Nostalgia (4)
- Queen Nostalgia (5)
- Rampaging Beer Elemental
- Rejana (Creature)
- Shadow Hound
- Ship Core
- Siramal (Creature)
- Skyrr (Creature)
- Slime Puddle
- Sloth Wraith
- Slowing Slime
- Soul Spark
- Spawn of Despair
- Spawn of Devovorga
- Spawn of the Schnitzel
- Spectral Scum
- Spirit of Light
- Strong Orger Beer
- The Great Schnitzel
- The Halloween Hare
- The Mutated Pumpkin
- Tin Lizzard of Lyxoph
- Tjured (Creature)
- Undead Jester
- Used Food Wagon
- Vulnerable Cocoon
- Wasp (Nostalgia)
- Wolf (Nostalgia)
- Yellow Toilet Paper Man