
Gift Givers give away items free of cost, and do so to anyone.

Name Job Buy/Sell Location
Gaberiel Gaberiel Gift Giver Thais Harbour Place.
Lora Lora Gift Giver Vigintia.
Santa Claus Santa Claus Gift Giver Has a house on the Ice Island of Vega. Between the Server Saves of December 12 and 31, he can be found in or near each major town, usually near the Depot.

Ab'Dendriel: Underground shops, near Shanar. here
Ankrahmun: In the Tavern west from boat. here
Carlin: At the White Wave Cellar, south-west of town. here
Darashia: South of town, next to the Tavern. here
Edron: Inside the Castle, next to the Depot. here
Farmine: In the Tavern west from the steamship. here
Gray Beach: Inside the Depot. here
Kazordoon: Jolly Axeman Tavern. here
Liberty Bay: West of the depot. here
Port Hope: Grassy area south of depot. here
Rathleton: In the Grand Opera Café, west from depot. here
Svargrond: West of depot. here
Thais: At Frodo's shop, north east of depot. here
Venore: Under main depot. here
Yalahar: In the Tavern east from depot. here

Solkrin (NPC) Solkrin (NPC) Gift Giver Swamp Troll Cave, south of Venore.

Former gift givers: Ned Nobel
