
Gambling is a generic term that refers to any type of betting on the unknown outcome of some future event (usually card games, dice, races, wrestling or other competitions). In the narrower Tibian sense, gambling is usually a game of chance between two people rolling Dice.


Depending upon the gambling game played, the goal is to emerge victorious with a bigger amount of gold than what you had before playing.


Most games are arranged within a depot. Simply position both players so that they are near enough to "see" the outcome of any dice rolls, and close enough to receive the Bet and Payout.


In the most common dice game played in Tibia, each player places their bets in the middle of two depot boxes. Both players must agree upon the final bet for each round. If desired, a separate person may be responsible for collecting all bet gold to ensure that all players are honest.

In Tibia, there are additional games used by players, than by NPCs. each game has its own rules, which are likely copied from the game origins in real life.


  • Each game, except for Dice War, is adapted from an already existing game in real life. This means that all those games are designed to favor the host.
  • You can get your own die in Venore below the central depot.


  • Be careful of scammers: If you're in doubt whether a host or player is legit (safe) or not, try to observe them when playing with others and see if he steals back their bet/pays the winnings when the other player is victorious. A common rule of thumb is to only gamble with people who are above level 75 or are known on your world to ensure safer play.
  • Limit spendings: Always make a personal limit to how much you are willing to lose on a table before quitting. This limit should not exceed more than 15% of your total amount of gold.
  • Do not get addicted: Just like any other game, gambling can make you addicted. Several players lose all their gold, equipment and items because they don't know when to stop.
  • If you want to play in order to win gold or items: always host, and do not gamble away your profit on other hosts!
  • Always use common sense: Never overestimate your chances.
  • Know when to give in: Don't try to scam, specially on PvP worlds, getting hunted is not worth the risk.

Popular Games[]

Lucky Kaboom Box![]

This game requires 2 hosts or a shop house

The host has 3 Presents (From Hoaxette) set up on a depot with a color of choice tapestry on the depot box, 0-1 coin on the tapestry and present box finally on top of both. (Alternatively, it may be played with normal presents but the fun is from the explosion!)


  • The host will ask the player to choose one of the boxes if it blows up and a gold coin is revealed then the player wins! If not the player loses.

Alternative House Shop Method[]

The host will duplicate the set up as shown /\ however, while being in his house, he can have the winnings held inside easier and vary the winnings with different items. (For example: 1 Gold Coin = 2k win, 1 Platinum Coin = 5k win, 1 Crystal Coin = 10k and items may vary to represent winnings)


The host may choose to allow "Double Downs", meaning if the player loses the first choice he may up his bet to double to choose again. If a coin is revealed the player wins double! If not the player loses double.


A tough game to set up if you do not own a house with a shop. As depots often get abused with stackers and the host would need privacy to properly set up each round. Depot centers make it a challenge! But a great game nonetheless! And also in a house you have the ability to increase the odds and bets by increasing the present quantity. (For example: instead of 3 presents have 6 or 9 presents with 1-3 coins to vary gameplay/max bets/challenge)

Guess the Number[]

Pay a bet to the host and guess which number comes up next. If you guess the right number, you'll win 5 times your bet (500%). Chance(s) of a win is 1 to 6 (16.66%).


  • The bet is taken by the host. (price to roll)
  • Dice are only rolled once during each bet.
  • Multi-betting is not officially allowed (guessing on several different numbers in one roll).
  • Host pays 5 times the bet if the challenger wins (x multiplied by 5, where x is the bet).
  • Host can always adjust the betting-limit (Simply putting limits to what amounts a bet may measure).
  • Bet cannot be changed during play.


A risky game where the payout might just be worth the risk to a certain degree. Very fun to play, but be prepared to lose a few times before you get it right.


Offer a bet to the host and guess if the die lands on a Low series of numbers (1, 2, 3) or a High series of numbers (4, 5, 6). If you guess the right series of numbers, you'll win 0.8 times of your bet (80%). Chance(s) of a win is 1 to 2 (50%).


  • The bet is only taken by the host if the challenger guesses the wrong series of numbers, otherwise the challenger will keep his bet, plus the winning gold.
  • Dice are only rolled once during each bet.
  • Host pays 0.8 times (80%) the bet if the challenger wins (x multiplied by y = payout, where x is the bet and y is 0.8).
  • You can only bet on one series of numbers (Low which is 1, 2 and 3, or High which is 4, 5 and 6).
  • Multi-betting is officially not allowed, and would make no sense.
  • Host can always adjust the betting-limit (Simply putting limits to what amounts a bet may measure).
  • Bet cannot be changed during play.


Low risk, but don't get fooled! The number the die lands on is completely random, and there is NO PATTERN to how the die works what so ever. A Good game for high bets, and is considered the "safest" way of gambling.

Blackjack (AKA 21)[]

Offer a bet to the host and roll the die as close to 21 as possible. If you hit 21, you will win automatically, and the host's turn to roll will be disqualified. However, if you choose to stop before 21, the host will get a chance to reach your number, or 21 in order to win the bet. If either of the participants hits 22 or more, it will be a bust, and the player will lose. If the challenger chooses to stay on a number below 21, and the host busts, the challenger will be awarded 0.8 times (80%) of his bet. If the challenger hits 21, the challenger will be awarded 1.5 times (150%) of his bet. It is impossible to count the odds of winning, as all numbers are random.


  • If challenger wins by host busting, 80% payout is awarded, and challenger keeps the bet.
  • If challenger wins by hitting 21, 150% payout is awarded. and challenger keeps the bet.
  • If host reaches the challenges "stay number" or hits 21, the host wins and keeps the bet.
  • Dice are rolled until either participants reaches 21 or busts.
  • If the player hits more than 21, he automatically loses his bet to the host.
  • Bet cannot be changed during play.
  • Both the challenger and the host are allowed to roll as many times as needed until a win or bust is achieved.


A very fun game to play, but you need to be quick putting all those numbers together. It is smart to have a 3. person to keep count of the numbers rolled. There is no guarantee for either the challenger or host to have any advantage or disadvantage in this game, and is considered one of the most fair games.

Dice War[]

Both players will agree on a bet and roll their die x amount of times. Whoever gets the highest sum of numbers will win the other player's bet.


  • No official rules, all rules are decided by both participants.


As fair as it gets, but be prepared to get scammed. This is not a game you want to play with strangers, especially not if they are below lvl 75, as the gold is not put in the middle of two depot boxes as done in the previous games mentioned.

See also: Games and Gambler NPCs
