Player: hi
Friedolin: Why hello player! I hope you're up to some serious FUN! Oh by the way, I have some news about the contest!
Player: name
Friedolin: My name is Friedolin. Fun is what I love and orange what I represent!
Player: job
Friedolin: I am a fan of Furb of Fun and I'm going to inform other Tibians about the BEST colour to join - orange of course!
Player: news
Friedolin: The wizard contest has begun, join orange if you want to have some fun! Seriously. I can also help you check the status of the contest if you're already a fan!
Player: contest/wizard
Friedolin: There are 3 wizards. Each of them represents a different element which can be easily identified by a unique colour. ...
Friedolin: There is 'orange' for wizard Furb of Fun, 'green' for wizard Fern of Nature and 'violet' for wizard Feiz of Power.
Player: join
Friedolin: You can join any wizard by using the powder you can find in the envelope on yourself and the rest on someone who did not already join a wizard and has the right colour. ...
Friedolin: Combining yellow and red will result in orange, yellow and blue will be green and red with blue results in violet.
Player: fan
Friedolin: There are two others like me, some nature freak in Venore and a random girl for violet in Thais. What, do you want to go there? Why? Why would you do that when you could have FUN instead!
Player: orange/fun/colour
Friedolin: Well orange is my colour! Fun is what I stand for. Orange represents Furb the wizard of fun! Why would anyone choose anything else?
Player: furb
Friedolin: Furb is the wizard of Fun. Pranks, jokes, funny things - he loves all of it. If you want to have some fun - it's the way to go.
Player: fern
Friedolin: Fern is the wizard of Nature. Behold his powers and the elemental might that is nature itself.
Player: nature
Friedolin: Nature is the element of Fern, the wizard with the green colour. Yeah was never that much of a nature lover myself but hey.
Player: feiz/power
Friedolin: Feiz is the wizard of Power. Strength, influence and infinite might are his attributes. If you value these attributes, join him.
Player: powder
Friedolin: The envelopes that came with the creatures contain a magical powder. The three wizards created it to let you represent each of their elements.
Player: envelopes
Friedolin: The three wizards dropped these envelopes everywhere in the world. A lot of creatures have been carrying envelopes all over Tibia.
Player: bye
Friedolin: Where did he go? Where did he go?