
Bankers take care of your money and can also change currency for you between Gold Coins, Platinum Coins, and Crystal Coins. Most of the time they live in a Bank near a Depot, where they are very busy counting money.

Name Job Buy/Sell Location
Atur Atur Banker East Issavi.
Ebenizer Ebenizer Banker Above Edron Depot, west part of the castle
Eighty Eighty Banker Gray Beach Depot
Eva Eva Banker Next to Carlin Depot at Park Lane and Theater Avenue.
Ferks Ferks Banker Central part of northern Port Hope, first floor above Port Hope Depot.
Finarfin Finarfin Banker One floor underground in the Depot on Shadow Caves Street.
Gnomillion Gnomillion Banker North-eastern Gnomegate, inside the Depot
Jefrey Jefrey Banker Liberty Bay depot
Jessica Jessica Jewelry Shopkeeper
Svargrond, between depot and boat.
Kaya Kaya Assistant
Krailos depot.
Kepar Kepar Adventurer
Adventurers' Guild
Lokur Lokur Banker
Ore Wagon System Ticket Seller
In the Kazordoon depot
Murim Murim Banker
Farmine, south of depot.
Muzir Muzir Banker In the north west corner of the Darashia castle
Naji Naji Banker Thais depot.
Paulie Paulie Banker In Rookgaard under the library of Seymour
Plunderpurse Plunderpurse Banker Dawnport, Adventurer's Outpost.
Raffael Raffael Equipment Shopkeeper
North on the Island of Destiny
Rokyn Rokyn Banker Above Venore's second depot.
Siestaar Siestaar Inquisitor
Upper Roshamuul, under the Depot
Sissek Sissek Banker Moonfall's bank.
Suzy Suzy Banker South and west of the Thais depot on Sorcerer's Avenue, near the west gate.
Tesha Tesha Jewelry Shopkeeper
In Ankrahmun, north of the Depot, up one level.
Virgil Virgil Banker Upper Rathleton, Oramond Island Bank
Wentworth Wentworth Banker Dawnport, Adventurer's Outpost past the vocation rooms
Znozel Znozel Banker Inner City in Yalahar, east of depot.