

Norman The Foreman can always use an extra hand to help out.




Daily: 1,000 Exp, 1,000 gp.

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Required Equipment[]


Leave Venore from the eastern exit (go down here). Leave the building and go east a few steps to find a ladder and/or ramp. Go up and find Norman The Foreman up there.

Ask Norman The Foreman for a job. He will offer you 3 tasks: Maintenance, Pathfinder and Sabotage. Ask for the task(s) you wish to do; you can accept multiple tasks. You can repeat each of these tasks every 20 hours, the timer starting when you turn in the task. If you do all 3 tasks in less than 20 hours, you can receive a bonus reward of 250gp and 250 experience.

It is highly recommended to do the Goblin Merchant Quest alongside this quest. Some of the missions are more difficult, but the tasks Advertisement, Guards and Kill can all be done easily alongside these tasks.


Keyword: maintenance
Reward: 250 experience, 2 Platinum Coins, 50 Gold Coins
Notes: this task will have you going to all 3 construction sites. You can complete both of the other tasks at these areas.

Norman The Foreman has asked you to help maintain the machinery around the 3 construction sites by lubricating the machines with the Can of Oil he gave you.

Each construction site has 3 machines that you must lubricate, you must lubricate all 9. They are one of each of the following:

  • Saw (Object) (You sucessfully maintained the saw. It's humming smoothly again.)
  • Wooden Treadmill (You sucessfully maintained the treadmill. It smoothly rotates on and on.)
  • Crane (You sucessfully maintained the crane. It's working without a hitch.)

The construction sites are located at the north (here), central (you started here), and south (here).

You can do them in any order.

Central Construction Site[]

At the center construction site:

Northern Construction Site[]

At the northern construction site:

While here, consider going off the northern ramp at the construction site and do the respective Pathfinder objective. Also, if you haven't tried in the last 7 days, consider attempting to dig for a Leech (swamp tile, here).

Southern Construction Site[]

At the southern construction site:

While here, you can go down the hole in the north-eastern building (here), and doing the respective objectives of the Pathfinder and Sabotage tasks.


Keyword: pathfinder
Reward: 250 experience, 2 Platinum Coins, 50 Gold Coins
Notes: this task will have you going to the northern and southern construction sites. You can complete other task objectives while there.

Norman The Foreman has asked you to deliver some supplies to the crew in the swamp. Since the central is accounted for (i.e. by Norman), he will ask that you deliver specific supplies to the northern and southern camps.


Keyword: sabotage
Reward: 250 experience, 2 Platinum Coins, 50 Gold Coins
Notes: this task will have you going to the southern construction site. You can complete other task objectives while there.

Norman The Foreman has asked that you exterminate 5 Little Corym Charlatans. Go to the southern construction site and down the hole inside the north-eastern building (here). Walk south on a specific tile (here) to be teleported below into a cave with exactly 5 Little Corym Charlatans. Kill them and leave the cave. If the coryms are already dead, you should leave and wait for them to respawn. You can reenter the cave as long as you haven't killed enough.


Player: hi
Norman The Foreman: Hello friend. You lookin' for a job? I could use a hand here.
Player: job
Norman The Foreman: We need people for some action in the fields of sabotage, maintenance or pathfinder assistance. You'll get paid in cash and a solid experience reward. ...
Norman The Foreman: Plus, do all three tasks in a day and there's even a bonus in it for you. Which one you're interested in for a start?

Venore Daily Tasks Quest


  • Start the task:

Player: maintenance
Norman The Foreman: Well, we do have three main production sites in the north, the center and the south. The heavy tools there like the wooden treadmill, the saws and cranes always need lubrication. ...
Norman The Foreman: You want to help us maintaining our equipment?
Player: yes
Norman The Foreman: Very good. Here, take this can of oil and lubricate either the wooden treadmills, the saws or the cranes in each of the three production sites. Return to me when you finished your job.

Venore Daily Tasks Quest

  • Once the task is finished:

Player: maintenance
Norman The Foreman: Good workmanship, everything's running smoothly. Take this for your effort and let's check if you've earned that extra reward, shall we?

Venore Daily Tasks Quest


  • Start the task:

Player: pathfinder
Norman The Foreman: C'mon, c'mon, we don't have all day! You want to support our pathfinder crew? They're scouting for new swamp weed areas and maintain our paths through the swamp in order to keep everything going. ...
Norman The Foreman: Now, I want you to bring this grind stone to Scott the Scout and that pathfinder kit to Frank The Plank. You in?
Player: yes
Norman The Foreman: As you wish. Here. Take this pathfinder kit and bring it to Frank The Plank - you'll find him west of the southern production site. Scott the Scout is eagerly waiting for this grinding stone as his blades are becoming blunt. ...
Norman The Foreman: You'll find Scott the Scout in the northern part of the swamp between the production site and the orc camp. Return to me when you finished your task.

Venore Daily Tasks Quest

Player: hi
Frank The Plank: Hello, friend! Norman told me someone would bring us supplies. Do you have a pathfinder kit with you?
Player: yes
Frank The Plank: Ah, finally some food! I could really murder a sandwich. Thanks a lot and see you around.

Venore Daily Tasks Quest

Player: hi
Scott The Scout: Hello, Bennie. Norman told me a young adventurer would visit. Do you have that grind stone with you?
Player: yes
Scott The Scout: Aaah, finally a new grind stone. Those blades were getting awfully blunt, it's about time we sharpened them! Thanks a lot and see you around! ...
Scott The Scout: Come on boys, back to work!

Venore Daily Tasks Quest

  • Once the task is finished:

Player: pathfinder
Norman The Foreman: Good work, Player. Take your reward and return tomorrow if you like.

Venore Daily Tasks Quest


  • Start the task

Player: sabotage
Norman The Foreman: You're a man for subtle work? I need some little corym rats... disposed of. Still interested?
Player: yes
Norman The Foreman: Good. The rat hideout is at the southern production site. They dug their way up from the mud, you'll see the ropespot. The entrance's next to it. Kill five little coryms so they get the message to STAY OFF our property. Come back when you've succeeded.

Venore Daily Tasks Quest

  • Once the task is finished:

Player: sabotage
Norman The Foreman: Well, look who's back. And I see some lil' corym skalps there, too. Good work. Here's a little something for your trouble. ... Come back anytime, I can always need a pair of sturdy hands like yours.

Venore Daily Tasks Quest


Once you've done all tasks (all of them under 20 hours) you may ask for the bonus.

Player: bonus
Norman The Foreman: Well, if you help us in all three tasks in twenty hours' time, you'll get extra gold and experience. Check your questlog to see if you completed all tasks. Shall we check for your bonus? Yes or no.
Player: yes
Norman The Foreman: Lemme see... yep, lookin' good. You went and did all three tasks in less than twenty hours. Nice job. Here's your bonus, as promised.

Venore Daily Tasks Quest
