
Explorers were sent out to explore and do reconnaissance of a particular area. They differ from Adventurer NPCs in that they were employed to explore, whereas Adventurers do so for leisure.

See also: Adventurer NPCs

Name Job Buy/Sell Location
Dwarf Explorer Dwarf Explorer Explorer Gnome Deep Hub.
Frank The Plank Frank The Plank Explorer Venore marshes, a bit east of the ground floor of the southern production site.
George The Boyscout George The Boyscout Explorer Venore marshes, on the northern coast.
Gnome Explorer Gnome Explorer Explorer Gnome Deep Hub.
Ongulf Ongulf Explorer
Expedition Leader
Farmine, near the steamship
Rehon Rehon Explorer
Expedition Leader
Beregar, in a troll prison cell
Scott The Scout Scott The Scout Explorer Venore marshes, on the northern coast.

Other Explorers: Alistair Cropwell, Erin Cropwell, E. R. Grossom
