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In the 23rd year of the reign of Esuph III there was a tax inspector whose greed was unrivalled by any other mortal before or after him. He let the people bleed in the name of the pharaoh and amassed huge amounts of gold, most of which somehow ended up in his own private treasury. But Shehamin, the second wife of the pharaoh, was not a woman to be fooled easily. Using cleverness and charm she brought his schemes to light and told her husband about them. Esuph III was furious, and his verdict on the fraudulent tax inspector was as cruel as it was clever: The screaming tax collector was sunk into a cauldron full of boiling gold. The terribly distorted statue which as the result of this peculiar treatment was put up in the tax office as a grim reminder that fraud can seriously affect your health. The gold that was stolen by the tax collector, however, was never found, and to this day there are many who dream about finding the unfaithful tax collector's hidden treasure.
