You see Eliza
NPC Bubble D
  • If you always hunt on your own, you won't need my spells.
  • If you care for your party, I can teach you.


Edron Ivory Towers, southern tower


Eliza only sells party buff spells. She will also tell you what the exact Tibian time is (in AM/PM) if you say "time" to her.

Trade Details


This NPC does not buy anything.


SpellVoc.Req. LevelPrice
Enchant PartyEnchant PartySorcerers324,000 Gold
Heal PartyHeal PartyDruids324,000 Gold
Protect PartyProtect PartyPaladins324,000 Gold
Train PartyTrain PartyKnights324,000 Gold


To change these transcripts, edit the transcripts page for Eliza.

Player: hi
Eliza: Welcome, Player. If you're interested in spells to support your party, I can be your teacher.
Player: name
Eliza: My name is Eliza.
Player: teacher / job
Eliza: I'm a teacher for party spells. That's party spells as in 'support your party members', and not 'how to get people to love your birthday party'. Just to be clear.
Player: Edron
Eliza: Talented magicians gather in these towers and work together in researching spells. That's why the most powerful spells are only taught in Edron.
Player: time
Eliza: It's 1:48 am.
Player: Thais
Eliza: I've only been to Thais once or twice. I prefer a quieter place to live and study.
Player: Tibia
Eliza: People call me pessimistic, but I think this world will go down the drain sooner or later.
Player: king / Tibianus
Eliza: The king is a quite impressive man. Even though his deeds are often criticised, I'm sure that he only wants the best for Tibia.
Player: news / rumors
Eliza: Well, the new spells we recently discovered could prove to be quite valuable. Time will tell.
Player: Carlin
Eliza: I don't like the attitude of the women there. They are all a little trigger-happy, if you know what I mean.
Player: were / curse / moon
Eliza: I have no idea, I'm sorry. You could ask Fiona or Zoltan, though.
Player: spells
Eliza: I have 'Train Party' for Knights, 'Protect Party' for Paladins, 'Heal Party' for Druids and 'Enchant Party' for Sorcerers. You can only use these spells if you are in a party with others.
Player: party
Eliza: Having a party is a good thing. You can kill much stronger monsters than when you're on your own.
Player: bye
Eliza: Goodbye, Player.

