Player: triangle of terror
Edowir: The Triangle of Terror is a cabal of three archdemons that have put aside their quarrels to establish some power in the shadows of the Ruthless Seven. Although they are all very mighty demons, compared to one of the seven, they appear weak ...
Edowir: So they try not to interfere much with the doings of the seven and look for power elsewhere. Their members are Morgaroth, the schemer, Ghazbaran, the lord of blades and Zoralurk, the demon with the thousand faces.
Player: Morgaroth
Edowir: Morgaroth belongs to the cabal Triangle of Terror. He usually has minions to do his work rather than doing it himself. Although sometimes he enters our world in person to inspire the fear his cabal is built upon.
Player: Ghazbaran
Edowir: Ghazbaran is a member of the demonic cabal Triangle of Terror. He likes the physical challenge and combat as much as the pain and death he inflicts.
Player: Zoralurk
Edowir: Zoralurk is said to be a member of the demon cabal called Triangle of Terror. She is rumoured to wander the lands in many disguises, poisoning the body and minds of people by word or deed.
Player: Chalice of life
Edowir: This chalice was a tool of the gods which they created to make their task to create life easier. Zathroth who lacked the knowledge of creation stole that chalice and used it to spawn his evil minions.
Player: Evil minions
Edowir: The Djinn were the result of his first attempts. They were powerful and quite evil, but not as evil as Zathroth wished and quite independent in their thinking. Finally he discarded them and decided his second try would become his masterpiece.
Player: Masterpiece
Edowir: Zathroth channeled all the hatred and foulness he could muster. He added the burning rage of his son Blog and mixed it with fire. The energy that was released destroyed the chalice, but Zathroth had succeeded in creating the first demon.
Player: Zathroth
Edowir: Zathroth is the dark twin of Uman. They are one and they are two separate entities. We mortals can't really grasp this concept. He is the patron of dark magic and even darker secrets, the lust for dominance through cunning, and manipulation.
Player: Uman
Edowir: Uman is the light twin of Zathroth. Their unity and separation at once is a concept we cannot hope to grasp. He is the patron of light magic, the knowledge that benefits all and brings progress to the society.
Player: Demons
Edowir: Demons are the servants of evil. More or less devoted servers of Zathroth they cause strife and havoc wherever they appear. Their masters are known as Demonlords, Demon Overlords and Archdemon.
Player: Demon Overlords
Edowir: The overlords of the demonkind are more powerful than even demonlords are. They are nearly indestructible. Armoured with layers of impenetrable hide and endowed with awesome magical power, demon overlords are true incarnation of death.
Player: Archdemons
Edowir: The archdemons are few, and they are extremely rare. And a good thing, too, for they are the rulers of the demonrace. They are vain and powerhungry creatures who tend to form only small cabals and fight each other instead of allying up against creation.
Player: Cabals
Edowir: There are at least five demonic cabals of archdemons. The ruthless seven are the most prominent and powerful.
Player: Plains of Havoc
Edowir: Somewhere in the Plains of Havoc, where the Necromant King was defeated lies the secret entrance to the pits of inferno.
Player: Hugo
Edowir: I think you are referring to the beast Hugo that is said to still haunt the Plains of Havoc. The legends which tell of this creature are ancient and almost forgotten.
Player: Pits of inferno
Edowir: An infernal place in which the nightmare knights created a base to fight the minions of evil. It was lost when the Ruthless Seven conquered it.
Player: Ruthless seven
Edowir: They are more than a myth, they are a horrible reality. It is possible that they still reside in the pits of inferno.
Player: Nightmare knights
Edowir: The Nightmare Knights were an ancient order dedicated to fight evil. They were guided by prophetic dreams. The order ceased to exist after their war against the Brotherhood of Bones.
Player: Brotherhood of Bones
Edowir: This brotherhood was an secret society of necromancers and followers of purest evil. They were vanquished long ago by their arch-enemies, the Nightmare Knights.
Player: Legends
Edowir: As far as we know, once a terrible beast roamed the lands we now call the Plains of Havoc. It was so fierce that no one dared to even dream about killing it. Finally it was tricked by the knight Endulos.
Player: Endulos
Edowir: Endulos was not a great warrior, but a man of wit and genius. After many of his brethren of the Nightmare Knights had fallen prey to the beast, he came up with a cunning plan to end that threat.
Player: Cunning plan
Edowir: He lured Hugo into a trap. Bound by roots and stones charged with powerful magic he could not move anymore. Now, the beast lies trapped in a hidden cave for eternity.
Player: Hidden cave
Edowir: The legends tell us that the Nightmare Knights trapped it beneath one of their fortresses, or rather that they built a fortress on top of his eternal prison.
Player: Defile
Edowir: Whatever the original meaning of that underground complex was, it is now like an open wound in the nearby lands, spreading madness and attracting all kinds of ghosts and apparitions.
Player: Goshnar
Edowir: The Necromant King. He is dead forever, and that is the nicest thing I can say about him. May he rot in his tomb.