
Dwarf NPCs (82 NPCs)

Name Job Buy/Sell Location
A Dwarven Ghost A Dwarven Ghost Unknown Occupation Grothmok tunnels in the Dwarf Mines.
Andrew Lyze Andrew Lyze Unknown. Banuta, Port Hope.
Bezil Bezil Equipment Shopkeeper Shops Street in Kazordoon beneath the Depot.
Bolfona Bolfona Barkeeper Beregar tavern.
Brodrosch Brodrosch Ship Captain
Ore Wagon System Ticket Seller
Far below Kazordoon.
Budrik Budrik Foreman West side of The Big Old One, cave north of and closest to river.
Cael Cael Sage Farmine, north of the steamship and armory.
Drog Drog Unknown Occupation Beregar tavern
Dronk Dronk Foreman South-west of Kazordoon
Dukosch Dukosch Ore Wagon System Ticket Seller North of Kazordoon
Duria Duria Knight Guild Leader Kazordoon, southwest from the depot
Dwarf Captain Dwarf Captain Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Dwarf Deep Guard Dwarf Deep Guard Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Dwarf Explorer Dwarf Explorer Explorer Gnome Deep Hub.
Dwarf Guard Day Shift Dwarf Guard Day Shift Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Dwarf Guard Night Shift Dwarf Guard Night Shift Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Dwarf Outpost Soldier Dwarf Outpost Soldier Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Dwarven Guard Dwarven Guard Guard Kazordoon Dwarf Mines: 2 can be found in the city and 2 can be found outside the city.
Emperor Kruzak Emperor Kruzak Monarch Kazordoon Throne Room
Emperor Rehal Emperor Rehal Monarch At the north end of the throne room in Beregar.
Esrik Esrik Artisan
Farmine, north of the steamship.
Etzel Etzel Sorcerer
Sorcerer Guild Leader
Kazordoon, three levels above depot.
Ferus Ferus Cleric
Marriage Officiant
Kazordoon, north of temple.
Frafnar Frafnar Guard Beregar Mines, west of the mines entrance.
Frok, The Guard Frok, The Guard Guard Beregar, at the royal throne.
Gilmak Copperbeard Gilmak Copperbeard Unknown Occupation Asura Palace.
Grodrik Grodrik Unknown Occupation Shops Street in Kazordoon, in the Jolly Axeman Tavern.
Grombur Grombur Guard Beregar Mines, south of the mines entrance.
Gurbasch Gurbasch Ship Captain 8 levels underground, below Cormaya, at the end of the Cormaya Street across from Cormaya 11.
Harog Harog Shopkeeper Beregar entrance hall
Hemor, The Guard Hemor, The Guard Guard Kazordoon, next to Emperor Kruzak
Humgolf Humgolf Caretaker Shops Street in western Kazordoon.
Humnog, The Guard Humnog, The Guard Guard Kazordoon, next to Emperor Kruzak
Isimov Isimov Cleric
Kazordoon Temple.
Iwar Iwar Furniture Shopkeeper Kazordoon, west of depot.
Jagran Jagran Guard Dwarven Mines, west of Kazordoon.
Jimbin Jimbin Barkeeper Kazordoon, Jolly Axeman Tavern.
Junkar Junkar Ship Captain Near the Steamship in Thais (here), Robson Isle (here) and Sunken Mines (here).
Kawill Kawill Geomancer
Caste Leader
South of Isimov
Kihil, The Guard Kihil, The Guard Guard Beregar, at the royal throne.
Klom Stonecutter Klom Stonecutter Unknown. Gnome Deep Hub.
Kroox Kroox Armor Shopkeeper Kazordoon, northern Shops Street, below the depot.
Lardoc Bashsmite Lardoc Bashsmite Guard Gnome Deep Hub.
Lokur Lokur Banker
Ore Wagon System Ticket Seller
In the Kazordoon depot
Lukosch Lukosch Ore Wagon System Ticket Seller Near the Dwarven Bridge
Malech Malech Guard Kazordoon, near entrance to mines.
Maryza Maryza Barkeeper
Kazordoon, Jolly Axeman Tavern.
Melfar Melfar Foreman Kazordoon Dwarf Mines, ground level, west from the royal mailbox.
Morpel Morpel Weapon Shopkeeper Inner City in Yalahar.
Murim Murim Banker
Farmine, south of depot.
Nelliem Nelliem Equipment Shopkeeper West in Venore, at the Useful Things Warehouse.
Nezil Nezil Equipment Shopkeeper Shops Street in Kazordoon, beneath the Depot.
Nokmir Nokmir Guard Beregar Mines, north of the mines entrance.
Oiriz Oiriz Jewelry Shopkeeper Yalahar, west side of the main street, north of depot.
Ongulf Ongulf Explorer
Expedition Leader
Farmine, near the steamship
Paolo Paolo Treasure Hunter South-east on Treasure Island
Prezil Prezil Cleric Farmine, north of the steamship and one level down
Pukosch Pukosch Ore Wagon System Ticket Seller West of Kazordoon
Pydar Pydar Pyromancer
Caste Leader
North of Kazordoon temple, past the many Fire Fields.
Rapanaio Rapanaio Inventor Kazordoon, near the Steam Boat.
Rehon Rehon Explorer
Expedition Leader
Beregar, in a troll prison cell
Rokyn Rokyn Banker Above Venore's second depot.
Scutty Scutty Technomancer Kazordoon, near Talphion.
Shortsighted Dwarf Shortsighted Dwarf Rebel Kazordoon, in a cave.
Sigurd Sigurd Magic Shopkeeper Kazordoon, three floors above depot.
Storkus Storkus Inquisitor On the way to Kazordoon, west of the Dwarven Bridge.
Swolt Swolt Barkeeper Farmine, west of the steamship.
Talphion Talphion Technomancer
Caste Leader
North-west in Kazordoon some floors down.
Tehlim Tehlim Cook Old Mines of Beregar
Tezila Tezila Jewelry Shopkeeper Kazordoon, Shops Street, one floor below the depot to the south.
Thorgrin Thorgrin Ship Captain Farmine, on the steamship
Tulf Tulf Guard
Guard room near Emperor Kruzak
Urks The Mute Urks The Mute Ship Captain Gnomprona
Uso Uso Foreman
Knight Guild Leader
North-western part of Port Hope, leftmost of the depot, below the ground level in Port Hope Tavern.
Uzgod Uzgod Artisan
Weapon Shopkeeper
Below the Kazordoon depot on Shops Street.
Xelvar Xelvar Recruiter Kazordoon, north in temple district.
Xorlosh Xorlosh Foreman Beregar Mines, just next to the city entrance.
Yrlin Yrlin Unknown. Dream Scar