Drown Damage is one of the types of Magical Damage. It comes in many forms. Drown Damage appears in Cyan text. Drown Damage is represented in the Damage Input Analyser and Cyclopedia with the following icon: .
Players are not able to use this damage type by themselves.
List of equipment that can provide some protection against drown damage.
Item | Arm | Weight | Attributes | Resist. | Imb. Slots | Class. | Lvl | Vocation | Dropped By |
8 | 46.00 | drowning +100% | 150 | ||||||
2 | 210.00 | drowning +100% |
- Weak Against Drown Damage
- Neutral Against Drown Damage
- Strong Against Drown Damage
- Immune Against Drown Damage
Physical | |
Magical |
Special |