
A Dev Note is a summary of a feature that CipSoft is considering to implement or update. The objective of Dev Notes is gather player feedback about a very specific subject before the developers continue elaborating the idea, in order to steer or even halt development.

In a way, the Dev Notes "system" can be viewed as an evolution of the Focus Groups and Councils, which were not as specific, involved only a manually selected group of players and had more open discussions instead of feedback about specific ideas.

In July, 2022, CipSoft published a news in a format similar to Dev Notes, but called it "PM Insights" instead. Since that news was also used to present a feature under development that can be implemented in the future, it's also listed here.

List of Dev Notes[]

Title Date Status Details
Fun PvP Server April 16, 2014 Redesigned Even though this type of server was not implemented, CipSoft implemented Duelling Arenas in the Winter Update 2015 which are somewhat similar but simpler.
Vocation Definitions October 29, 2014 Undefined Some of the proposed concepts such as critical hits and different summons have been implemented, but no major changes were made on the vocations.
Imbuing August 18, 2016 Implemented Imbuing was implemented with the Winter Update 2016.
Soul Points Usage for Spells March 02, 2017 Discarded The Special Summons were implemented with Summer Update 2017 without the usage of Soul Points.
Tibia 11 Analytics Feature April 10, 2017 Implemented The Analytics Selector was implemented with the Summer Update 2017.
Quick Looting August 10, 2017 Implemented Quick Looting was implemented with the Winter Update 2017.
Exiva on Optional PvP Game Worlds August 10, 2017 Implemented The Find Person spell was restricted on Optional PvP worlds after the Update 11.49.
Monster Shards August 18, 2017 Redesigned This idea was redesigned and presented again on the following Dev Note.
Monster Cyclopedia August 29, 2017 Implemented The Cyclopedia was implemented with the Summer Update 2017.
Skill Level Training September 20, 2017 Redesigned The proposed method was not implemented, but it served as the basis for the implementation of Exercise Weapons.
Cyclopedia Map & Portal System January 18, 2018 Partially Implemented The whole portals idea was discarded. The Cyclopedia Map was implemented with the Summer Update 2018.
Reaper Weapons February 19, 2018 Undefined The development of this idea was postponed.
Prey Hunting Tasks August 19, 2019 Implemented Prey Hunting Tasks were implemented with the Winter Update 2019.
New Best-in-Slot Weapons March 18, 2020 Implemented Suggestions were first acquired through a Feedback Form, and the results further discussed in the forum. The Soul Set, which includes the BiS weapons and other equipment, was implemented with the Summer Update 2020.
Tibiadrome February 10, 2021 Implemented Tibiadrome was implemented with the Summer Update 2021.
PM Insights: Sneak Peek Skill Wheel July 25, 2022 Implemented Implemented in Winter Update 2022 as Wheel of Destiny.