
The Minotaur Pyramid is located in the North-East region of Darama. On the ground floor there are several Minotaurs. Above that there are several more, as well as above that. On the first floor below the pyramid there are Minotaurs and Minotaur Guards. One level lower, there are Minotaur Archers, and Minotaur Guards. From here, there are two ways to go down; both lead to the same room. In this room there are many Minotaur Mages, Minotaur Archers and Minotaur Guards. From this floor there are 4 staircases down, each leading to individual rooms. One room is packed with Minotaur Mages, another one contains several Minotaur Guards and a Minotaur Mage, the third has two of each Minotaurs and the last one contains a Mummy guarding several sarcophagi. The floor below has a room with no creature and a passage to Caverna Exanima. Also there is Royal Mailbox on the ground floor.

The Stealth Ring Quest, part of Explorer Society Quest, part of Koshei the Deathless Quest, and the Cults of Tibia Quest are located here. This place is rumored to be built by the Bonelord race long ago now since abandoned and now occupied by Minotaurs.

Stealth Ring Quest Map 01  Stealth Ring Quest Map 02  Stealth Ring Quest Map 03

Monsters in Dark Pyramid
NameExpHPMax. DamageLoot
5010045 Physical Damage
Minotaur Archer
Minotaur Archer
65100105 Physical Damage
Minotaur Guard
Minotaur Guard
160185100 Physical Damage
Minotaur Mage
Minotaur Mage
150155228 (40 Physical Damage, 105 Fire Damage, 83 Energy Damage)
150240129 (85 Physical Damage, Earth Damage, 40 Death Damage)