
Darashia 1Darashia 2Darashia 3Darashia 4Darashia 5Darashia 6Darashia 7Darashia 8BoatChemarHofechDeeper CatacombsDarashia VillaEnlightened OasisDarashia, Eastern GuildhallDarashia, Western GuildhallBath of DreamsMuhaydinDarashia MarketDarashia PalaceWasp TowerDarashia StreetDarashia Streets
About this image
  • Darashia 1 (*)
  • Darashia 2 (*)
  • Darashia 3 (*)
  • Darashia 4 (*)
  • Darashia 5 (*)
  • Darashia 6 (*)
  • Darashia 7 (*)
  • Darashia 8 (*)
  • Darashia Street (*)

Put your cursor over the map to see where the streets, houses, and NPCs are.


Darashia Street runs through most of Darashia. It is not actually a defined street but this page is used to manage all non-house entities in Darashia.

Buildings and NPCs from north to south and west to east on the street:
