Name Lvl Range Atk Mod. Hit% Resist. Imb. Slots Class. Attributes Weight Dropped By
Amber Crossbow Amber Crossbow 330 6 8 +7 energy +5% 3 4 distance fighting +3
Augments: Divine Missile -> +5% critical extra damage
  • This item is not dropped by any creatures.
Arbalest Arbalest 75 6 2 +2 0 2 95.00
  • This item is not dropped by any creatures.
Chain Bolter Chain Bolter 60 3 4 3 4 55.00
Cobra Crossbow Cobra Crossbow 220 6 7 +6 2 4 distance fighting +2 40.00
Crossbow of Destruction Crossbow of Destruction 200 5 6 +5 3 2 65.00
  • This item is not dropped by any creatures.
Crossbow Crossbow 0 5 3 1 40.00
Crude Umbral Crossbow Crude Umbral Crossbow 75 5 3 +1 0 2 130.00
Crystal Crossbow Crystal Crossbow 90 6 4 +3 0 2 84.00
Grand Sanguine Crossbow Grand Sanguine Crossbow 600 6 10 +7 fire +6% 3 4 critical hit (10% chance, 12% extra damage), distance fighting +4
Augments: Divine Caldera -> +8% base damage
  • This item is not dropped by any creatures.
Modified Crossbow Modified Crossbow 45 5 +1 3 2 35.00
Naga Crossbow Naga Crossbow 300 6 8 +6 earth +4% 3 4 distance fighting +2 102.00
Ornate Crossbow Ornate Crossbow 50 6 1 +2 0 2 91.00
Rift Crossbow Rift Crossbow 120 5 5 +4 3 2 130.00
Royal Crossbow Royal Crossbow 130 6 5 +3 3 3 120.00
Sanguine Crossbow Sanguine Crossbow 600 6 10 +7 fire +6% 3 4 critical hit (10% chance, 12% extra damage), distance fighting +4
Augments: Divine Caldera -> +4% base damage
  • This item is not dropped by any creatures.
Soulpiercer Soulpiercer 400 6 9 +6 death +7% 3 4 critical hit (10% chance, 10% extra damage), distance fighting +4 40.00
  • This item is not dropped by any creatures.
The Devileye The Devileye 100 6 20 -20 3 4 55.00
The Ironworker The Ironworker 80 5 4 3 2 150.00
Thorn Spitter Thorn Spitter 150 6 9 +1 3 3 126.00
  • This item is not dropped by any creatures.
Triple Bolt Crossbow Triple Bolt Crossbow 70 5 3 +2 3 4 62.00
Umbral Crossbow Umbral Crossbow 120 5 6 +2 1 3 125.00
Umbral Master Crossbow Umbral Master Crossbow 250 5 9 +4 2 4 distance fighting +3 120.00