The Converters are monstrous beings of living devouring energy, born from the darkest recesses of the fallen realm. Their existence is sustained by their insatiable appetite for various forms of life force, which they consume with an unsettling voracity. They appear as a swirling vortex of shadow and ethereal energy, constantly shifting and distorting as they draw in and assimilate the vital essence of their surroundings. The air crackles with malevolent energy in their presence, and the ambient light seems to dim as they grow stronger. The Converters serve as conduits of the fallen realm's power, transforming and channeling the life force they consume into a raw, corrupted energy that fuels the insidious workings of the decaying realm.
Damage Taken From Elements
A converter attacks from a distance.
Its experience was increased from 20,600 to 21,425 with the balancing changes on August 16, 2023.
- Crystal Coin (common)
- Darklight Obsidian Axe (uncommon)
- Wand of Starstorm (semi-rare)
- Darklight Core (Object) (uncommon)
- Darklight Matter (Object) (semi-rare)
- Blue Gem (semi-rare)
- 1-5× Ultimate Health Potion (semi-rare)
- Focus Cape (rare)
- White Gem (rare)