
Closets are objects which can hold items, (e.g. Bookcases contain Books) and are used as a kind of furniture.


Name Move Walk Notes
Chest (Quest) Chest (Quest) A very common piece of furniture. Perhaps someone has stored something valuable in here.
Looks the same as a Chest, a Storage Chest, a Sturdy Chest and Iriana's Chest.
Chest of Drawers (Quest) Chest of Drawers (Quest) A very common piece of furniture. Perhaps someone has stored something valuable in here.
Looks the same as a Chest of Drawers.
Dragon Chest Dragon Chest These might hold some valuables.
Heavy Crate Heavy Crate Looks similar to a Crate although it is sealed with red tape.
Looks the same as a Marked Crate.
Hovering Shelf Hovering Shelf
Seashell Bookcase Seashell Bookcase
Shelf Shelf
Small Dragon Tooth Shelf Small Dragon Tooth Shelf It has been constructed out of several Dragon teeth.
Stone Shelf Stone Shelf It is used by Giants to store things in.
Torn Out Page Torn Out Page ? This page is actually a Container, usually you'll find documents in it.
It looks the same as a Crude Primitive Printout, Narsai's List, Rita's Letter, a Ransom Note, a Sheet of Paper, a Sheet of Tracing Paper (Full), Shimun's List, Tefrit's List and Yonan's List.
Treasure Chest (Dragon) Treasure Chest (Dragon)
Trunk Trunk See also: Large Trunk
Wardrobe (Venorean) Wardrobe (Venorean) Buy a Venorean Wardrobe Kit and use it in your house to get a Venorean-style wardrobe.
Wardrobe Wardrobe Would be used for furniture, but it's neither movable nor buyable. Each side of the wardrobe can hold 6 items.

See also other Objects.
