Player: hi
Chrak: Greetingz, competitor.
Player: competitor
Chrak: I'm ze mazter of ze ceremony and ze gamez. I overzee zat everyzing iz handled accordingly to ze ancient traditionz. I'm ze one to teach ze rulez of ze tournament to ze competitorz.
Player: tournament or arena
Chrak: Ze tournament iz ze ultimate challenge of might and prowrezz. Ze rulez may have changed over ze centuriez but ze ezzence remained ze zame. ...
Chrak: If you know ze rulez, you might enter ze arena for ze battle.
Player: gamez
Chrak: Even at timez of ze firzt emperorz, ze tournament waz a great event to prove onez might and ztrengz. Firzt, ze mightiezt warriorz competed for a rank in ze imperial army. ...
Chrak: Later zey fought for ze great ruling familiez of ze land. Zey zent zeir greatezt warriorz to ze Izle of Ztrife and took great pride in providing ze mozt dangerouz and zuccezzful competitorz of ze tournament. ...
Chrak: Zince centuriez, ze tournament iz ze ultimate challenge for any warrior of ze land and beyond.
Player: land
Chrak: My people call ziz land Zao. We are it'z rightful rulerz zince countless centuriez.
Player: zao
Chrak: Ziz land iz rightfully ourz. We ztrayed from ze paz of iron diligence and we lozt a part of our land az punizhment. Wiz ze might of ze dragon emperor, we will retake it one day. ...
Chrak: But for now our numberz are ztretched zin in ze land zat we hold.
Player: centuriez
Chrak: In ancient timez, my people roze az ze greatezt civilization of ze land we call Zao. Wiz iron claw we cleaned ze land from ze barbarianz. ...
Chrak: From norz to zouz, we ruled and built our maginficent citiez. Zience, art and philozophy prozpered under ze rule of ze emperorz of old. ...
Chrak: But when ze great plague came over our landz and civil unrezt zook ze foundationz of ze empire, our old enemiez crawled out of zeir holez. ...
Chrak: Zey took advantage of our weaknezz - and weaknezz and vanity of ze ruling cazte allowed zem to zucceed. ...
Chrak: Wiz our forcez divded by enviouz rulerz and zinned out by ze plague, ze barbarianz had regained ztrengz and came upon ze empire like a zwarm of locuztz over a flower garden. ...
Chrak: Perhapz ze ignorance of a few would have led to ze empire'z downfall if it weren't for ze coming of ze dragon kingz. ...
Chrak: Zey came to uz in timez of greatezt dezpair. Zey unified our armiez and led zem from victory to victory, driving back ze barbarian forcez zat zreatened to breach even ze dragon wall. ...
Chrak: Zey became our zaviourz and later our rulerz. When ze dragon emperor took ze zrone, a new century had dawned for our people. ...
Chrak: Only our dwindling numberz prevent uz from retaking ze land once again. But ze day will come when ze whole Zao iz once again under ze rule of our people.
Player: emperor
Chrak: Ze dragon emperor will be watching ze tournament by magical meanz. Zo do your bezt to zhow an imprezzive fight. If you annoy ze dragon emperor, you will be killed - even if you have won ze tournament.
Player: dragon
Chrak: Ze dragonz hold our zociety togezer. Weaknezz and fear zpread zrough our people before ze dragonz came. Zey gave uz ze power we needed to drive our enemiez back. ...
Chrak: Zey gave uz ze leaderzhip and rule we needed for our nation to become whole again and a new unity for a common goal.
Player: lizards
Chrak: In ancient timez, lizard men fought here for zeir own ztation in zociety. Even now when combat iz only a zubztitute for ze rivalry of ze officialz of te emperor'z court, zome value ze ancient art of war. ...
Chrak: Zey chooze only ze finezt warriorz from our armiez az zeir championz. Zoze often undergo yearz of painful training in ze art of fighting. ...
Chrak: Zeir zkillz are honed zrough relentlezz training by ze finezt mazterz, and zey have to battle ze mozt challenging opponentz to prove worzy to participate in ze battle of ze tournament.
Player: demon
Chrak: Zometimez an official drawz on ze dark powerz of ze nezerworld to call ruzlezz demonz into our realm. Bound to zeir will, zey are out for deztrucion and carnage. ...
Chrak: Uzually zey are not trained for ze tournament but zummoned in hordez who zen fight each ozer until only ze mozt fierce and rezilient emerge az victorz.
Player: king
Chrak: Ze dragon kingz zend zeir championz to ze Izle of Ztrife. Ze combat rezultz determine ze pozitionz ze dragon kingz will hold in ze court for ze next cycle. ...
Chrak: Ze dragon kingz put great pride in zeir championz and often put great effort into zeir training.
Player: court
Chrak: Zome officialz rule over ze variouz citiez and keepz. Only ze mozt preztigiouz officialz are allowed a permanent pozition in ze imperial palace.
Player: palace
Chrak: Ze palace of ze dragon emperor iz well guarded againzt all intruderz. Only lizard men of great ztation are allowed to enter ze palace. It iz a place of maginificence, built and refined by generationz of artizianz under ze guidanze of ze emperorz.
Player: victory
Chrak: Ze tournament iz ze ultimate challenge of might and prowrezz. Ze rulez may have changed over ze centuriez but ze ezzence remained ze zame. ...
Chrak: If you know ze rulez, you might enter ze arena for ze battle.
Player: rulez
Chrak: I waz informed zat you were zent to fight for one of ze mozt preztigiouz officialz of ze court. According to ze rulez, ziz zponzorzhip allowz you to participate in ze tournament. ...
Chrak: While in ze pazt, ze tournament waz ztrictly non-leazal, ze ztakez have raized conziderably nowadayz. Zo lizten clozely: You will enter ze tornament az a team! ...
Chrak: Two of you muzt have gotten ze permizzion to enter ze arena. Zen you have to ztand on ze platformz in ze back and one of you haz to pull ze lever. You will be tranzported into ze arena. ...
Chrak: Once you enter, zere will only be victory or deaz! You have to be aware zat zere will be no chance to flee ze combat! Firzt you will face one team of opponentz. ...
Chrak: You don't have long to defeat zem becauze zoon anozer team will enter ze fight. Az outziderz you will certainly be ze target of zeir concentrated attackz, zo it iz advizable to get rid of your opponentz az quickly az pozzible. ...
Chrak: You might even gain zome time to regroup and tend your woundz if you are quick. After fighting zix teamz, you will have to face ze current champion of ze arena of ztrive. ...
Chrak: If you manage to defeat him, your mazter winz ze tournament and all honourz. Zo if you feel prepared for ze battle, you can azk me to enter ze arena any time.
Player: battle
Chrak: Zo you want to enter ze arena, you know ze rulez and zat zere will be no ozer option zan deaz or victory?
Player: yes
Chrak: I grant you ze permizzion to enter ze arena. Remember, you'll have to enter ze arena az a team of two. If you are not familiar wiz ze rulez, I can explain zem to you once again.