Chains up to 3 creatures prioritizing ranged creatures. Creatures hit are turned into melee fighters for 12 seconds and change their target to the caster for 6 seconds.
This spell is similar to the Royal Paladin's Divine Dazzle with the difference that it challenges affected ranged creatures. It is useful in team hunts to avoid distance fighter creatures from targeting the rest of the team, as well as preventing creatures from running in low health, making it also useful for knights when solo-hunting this type of creature.
It's important to note that it will only hit up to 3 creatures, whereas Challenge can hit up to 8. Furthermore, it cannot be used in rooms of Lever Bosses to prevent boss mechanics from becoming easier than originally intended. These two factors mean that Knights should still have Challenge ready to be used even after they acquire Chivalrous Challenge.
If a creature's path to the caster is blocked, creatures might change their target before the spell's duration is over.
Summoned creatures are unaffected by this spell as they will attack what their summoner targets. Players are not affected by this spell.
Before December 01, 2020, this spell used to affect melee creatures in addition to distance ranged creatures. On December 07, 2020, the cool-down of this spell was reduced from 6 to 2 seconds and the level required lowered from 250 to 150. On March 09, 2021, the max amount of chained creatures was reduced from 5 to 3.