You see Charos
NPC Bubble D


    Charos controls the portals at the Adventurers' Guild and can change the destination of the portals up to 6 times for characters that have reached level 8 or higher. Part of the Measuring Tibia Quest.

    His name may be an allusion to Charon in Greek mythology, also called Charos.


    To change these transcripts, edit the transcripts page for Charos.

    Player: hi
    Charos: Hello young friend! I'm authorised to allow you to use our teleporter to reach any other city than the one you came here from. If you require my service, just mention it to me. ...
    Charos: If you are interested in discovering the world of Tibia, I can give you some information, too.
    Player: discovering
    Charos: We are currently working on a huge and very ambitious project: We try to chart the world of Tibia! I know what you might think: Are there so many undiscovered places on this world? And the answer is: Yes! ...
    Charos: There are many secret, hidden or hardly accessible places and sites. We want to create a detailed and accurate map of our world - and we are searching for assistance concerning this project. ...
    Charos: So, if you want to discover Tibia's secrets, go out and discover our world, step by step and area by area. If you contribute to this project to a certain extent, you can gain the right to wear our Discoverer outfit.
    Player: area
    Charos: As an area we regard larger regions surrounding - for example - the big cities of Tibia. The Kazordoon mountains would be such an area as well as the Venorean swamps or the island of Oramond.

    Player: service
    Charos: I can attune you to a city of your choice. If you step to the teleporter here you will not appear in the city you came from as usual, but the city of your choice. Is it what you wish?
    Player: yes
    Charos: Fine. You have 6 attunements left. What is the new city of your choice? Thais, Carlin, Ab'Dendriel, Kazordoon, Venore, Ankrahmun, Edron, Darashia, Liberty Bay or Port Hope?
    Player: any city
    Charos: SO BE IT! <gasps> I ... need some rest. Please leave me alone now.

    Player: bye
    Charos: Goodbye traveler.

